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Parerntal guidance is the key but community has to come together to help all. We need to take care of our own first

Where we go one...we go all John Perry Barlow filmed at Q Studios... "The Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace. Significant


Spreading the word on other platforms...ty @SRVN &@MPatient

The shit is hitting the fan... no stopping it now.


@Goladygo that sounds very plausible... Ive always been curious of that major scar on his head. Now he wants to be Sec Gen of the UN?

I hope you're right.

@SRVN has The Bridge...story of Barry been verified and confirmed on Q?

I see it on stenog site

It could be all part of his Shadow Government Coup d'etat. He's organizing gun control students, has 30,000 others and he has deliberately sought to undermine POTUS at every turn around the world. Hes a Manchurian Candidate of the highest order.. He needs locked up now! UN troops are already here. Battle lines are being drawn...if he gets the UN its on like Donkey Kong.

What part? Tina

Well, thats good. Ill check it out.

Cross that worry off my list.

Ive been taking a kinda break today... little slow on the uptake. Ha

Y'all might want to check out current Q posts

Y'all might want to check out current Q posts on here.

#volunteerq Maybe if you would let me in the site. Read only... not just that group either. I could give a long list of groups but Im being blocked by someone. Ill go back to being a lone f'n wolf.

Yes because we go back to the common good instead of greed being the standard. Community is the key

The Vatican more precisely

Jesuits and their Zionist cohorts. Been that way since Pope John Paul I...he was going to end the corruption but he only made it 33 days.

God bless us.....every one. I pray ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

KABOOM! I can feel it in my bones.

Didn't Q mention Arkancide? Hannity is reporting an investigation into the Clintons in Arkansas

Is that a 5G tower pole?

CIA IS BEHIND EVERYTHING INCLUDING IRAN AND NORTH KOREA....Afghanistan and poppies too. In my opinion of course. W

@UnknownTruth Palantir is very troublesome, even scary. Once we start down that road....

This is just a general post I thought might help the cause. On a March 7th Q drop he mentioned the importance of the Internet Bill of Rights. Unfettered access and eliminate selling of personal info. Q asked us to contact our Senators, Congressman...not only the WH line. Just a reminder, Im calling myself now.

Q asked us to call our Congressman and tell them our position on this huge issue too. Lets get busy Patriots, another way to GET IN THE FIGHT

The CIA/Deep State own N. Korea, Kim is just a puppet. We got them now

Afghanistan is CIA too, opioid processing plants

How else can they meet demand. Heroin/ They are flooding the market ... and black market

Shitfire! Hedging their (Aus) bets has come back to haunt them. I wondered why they gave up their guns so fast. Australian people better wake the ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป up! Thanks @PitBull68 Very Interesting indeed. It is plain and simple, a Globalists versus We The People worldwide to save our way of life. If we win, it will be a beautiful life, one I never thought possible...until now.

@Crystal they needed Haitian children because so many became orphans. Laura Silsby tried to smuggle 30+ Haitian children and was caught. Never arrested and has a job through HRC. Traumatized children from a natural disaster like that is hitting the jackpot

Thailand is another.

Exactly! Hitler was In Brazil

The Boys from Brazil...a novel pre 1980

The Bush Family owns the biggest fresh water aquifer in the world in South America


Twitter removed the "Share Tweet Via" option. I was sharing to huge FB groups as well as followers spreading #MAGA, Q and POTUS tweets. CENSORSHIP AGAIN. Cuts me off at the knees. Anybody else have this happen?

Really? That is bigtime ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ’ฉ

@joel17347#9572 thanks Joel

@joel17347 FB has been blocking my posts to certain groups. Friends tell me when it happens. Most all were submitted for review. Its a bold strike...I could reach thousands at a time. Disguise it anyway you want FB, we are on to you bastards. IBOR! Put f'n FB in receivership

Faux Pas are becoming the norm. Hey McCain, wheres your ๐Ÿ‘ข today.

Take a look in the mirror
Tell me, what do you see
Are you the one you aspired to
Or are you just like me

Where did the time go
Way to fast for me
Yesterday seems so close
Alas, it's not to be

Does my life mean anything
Is there a purpose I must fill
I put my faith unto the Lord
I know he's with me still

Proclaim the news, God is not dead
He is there among the pews
He is begging us to see the Truth
Passed on by the Jews

Seek the Truth and you shall find
The travels that you've made
Were all a preparation
For in His likeness you were made

Let not your hearts be troubled
Fear not what you don't understand
Keep the Lord in your heart
In Him... you make your stand

The best that we can do now
Is come together as one
The world is so confusing
Let God's will be done

Treat each other with kindness
Look out for those in need
By practicing the Golden Rule
It is not words... but deeds

So enjoy the good things in this life
It is not for you to know
Keep your faith and try to do good
While the winds of change doth blow

Lay your head down in His grace
Try not to understand
The things in this life are fleeting
There is a Master Plan

John Stieglitz from the Holy Spirit
October 2017

Not sure if this is the correct room but I have a theory. We know the CIA is the military arm of the Deep State and MSM is the Propaganda arm. I believe the Red Cross is the Deep State money launderer. Snowden family is former Coast Guard and huge donors to the Red Cross. The Red Cross is not subject to US Customs. Also, I saw a video from Africa I believe showing plastic shipping containers full of cash. Are Snowden's family Deep State, hence, so is @snowden. Any thoughts?

I believe the PA speech, he dropped some bombs, sounded very confident and said son-of-a-bitch. That was a first. He destroyed the MSM too. Was there a Q wave again?


@Tiny Personally...I think this is HUGE! This needs high exposure. Most relevant!

Patent office? Hillary AND Mueller? New airplane/aircraft named BOOM. B for Boeing?

Great question. Any dirt on them? That's embedded... are they under Executive Branch?

Expose them any way we can, get public awareness high. Its a start. I'll start research.

Untouchables is right, this needs to be made known. It is shadow government...damn.

"Do not go gentle in to that good night..."

@hungrylion I did see an interview with witness saying he wasn't dead. Now that would blow me away.

He had to have people that knew DC. As an outsider he did the best he could. As people tested him or went behind his back...they were canned. He's literally building a cabinet on the run.

SES...SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES ARE A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. Call them out everywhere. They are the untouchables, appointed not elected policy group. Theyve been around since '88. They are supposed to be oversight but they have an agenda...and the power to hold government hostage. These bastards are Obama (Elites) Shadow Government. Working with corrupt Dems and Rinos. Its a damn cabal with no direct way to fight them. They are embedded. CALL THEM OUT EVERYWHERE. Public opinion will drive the bus. Get in the fight on all platforms. Be informed, no complacency RISE UP!

@Gary#2117 the story is, Hugh Hefner was working with CIA to blackmail various people, namely politicians with the emphasis on new congressmen. They would be invited/coerced to a party with beautiful women. At some point the target would get slipped a mickey, goes to a private room with the Playmate, passes out from the drugs. Out goes the woman and in come the kids for pictures. Owned. Sound far fetched? I believe the sauce is out there.

No way! Enoch and the sons of fallen angels., wow!

Question...didn't Mueller interview for the AG job initially even though he couldn't serve? Thats the one thing that makes think he might be working with POTUS. BP Earthwatch.....this guy I like. Accurate. He's been on to "them" for awhile now.

Stop McConnell from taxing the Internet!

@TENACIOUS 4TRUTH#7050 I appreciate you posting that. I get lost sometimes. I wouldn't mind a current q post on every page. Focus and easy reference. Just a thought.


Dont forget about Don Jr having to get rid of his Secret Service detail after a supposed kidnapping of DJT grandson and hire private security. The letter sent to POTUS daughter in law w/ powder and now mechanical problems with a helicopter carrying Jared and Ivanka. Just a coincidence......

Sauce is on YouTube

The SES is embedded, mostly Obama appointees but this started with Jimmy Carter calling them the Keystone of democracy. They don't have to be elected, they represent lobbying groups and control our government to a certain extent. Think POTUS appointees not being cleared. Getting them out is going to be extremely difficult it is looking like. Embedded...for years. imo

@Maga gal SES was formed as congressional oversight but the powers that be co opted it. They now carry more weight than the Congress because they are appointed. They don't have to run for re-election. They are now representing Washington lobbyists instead of carrying out oversite. They control Congress not we the people. Thats why the gridlock. Re-election now takes up more time than legislating. The inmates are running the asylum. Obama appointed thousands and they all thought HRC would win and victory achieved. Now we have to dismantle it

@Maga gal We all know "special interests(lobbying groups)control legislation, we just didnt know how it worked. Now we do and it is the Obama Deep State Shadow Government who along with Antifa terrorists, 17 Intel Agencies doing covert operations, CIA the military arm and MSM is the propoganda arm. Its set up like the Third is the Fourth Reich. How do we stop SES.....public outrage. LOUD!

@Maga gal our Constitution is under full attack through decades of infiltration. The Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower and JFK warned us about. Thats why they killed JFK. Jimmy Carter said the SES was the Keystone of Democracy in his 78-79 speech. Washington has been corrupt ever since. imo

Swalwell is Schiffs lapdog. Schiff is connected to old money Jacob Schiff and part of the Deep State, Illuminati, Bilderburg whatever. Swalwell is a like a mafia lieutenant, a henchman for the Elites.imo

Great work Patriots, a year ago we were conspiracy theorists wearing tinfoil hats. WINNING.

Justice Roberts is compromised by illegal adoption. He and his wife adopted 2 children from Europe (Ireland I think) where there was no legal adoption to US. The 2 kids were flown to South America to a country with favorable adoption laws. If he cooperates he could lose his children. They have dirt on him too.

@jupiterdaisy#0336 @Skivvy Waver Wife I'll start digging too. This is big, this & voter fraud is #1 concern going into mid terms too.

@PatriotEyes I'm all caught up now.๐Ÿ˜‰

@PatriotEyes this is why Obama EO for all 17 intel agencies share all information in the last days of his administration. SES...I'll be darn.

@sharoline424 Would this explain the flight record of an airplane from Langley to Guantanamo?

True. JP would be a big boom

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