Message from @Mary Poppins

Discord ID: 419543272172552192

2018-03-03 03:48:07 UTC  

Sort of like one of the Bush brothers having something to do with the clean up company that did the clean up after 9/11

2018-03-03 03:49:55 UTC  

@BlackDouglas surely Q is looking at this closely?

2018-03-03 03:50:14 UTC  

Looking at all things closely

2018-03-03 03:50:25 UTC  

It all fits into a puzzle that tells the bigger story.

2018-03-03 04:58:20 UTC  

On Soros and voting machines: Let's remember how people work in general. Soros owns or has a large shareholding stake in certain companies. The voting machines are somewhere down the tree from there. If you want them manipulated, you can't just tell everyone in the company/-ies. You need people who are like-minded, and they have to implement it in a way that is not easily detected by others in the company. It's not as if Soros himself talks to every employee and they're all in on "it." When we talk in ways that sound like every employee would be in on "it," that puts up barriers and prevents red-pilling others. Also, we can't believe something just because we like it along the lines of "our team." For example, some don't want to believe the recent allegations against Roy Moore, but are willing to swiftly willing to believe the teenager-affair-abortion allegations against Sheriff Israel. We have to keep the same standard for people on both sides. If we jump at whatever we favor in the name of good-guy/bad-guy my-team versus them without questioning the sources of these rumours, then we loose all credibility and, again, prevent people from believing us. Use good language skills, a touch of skepticism, and put pieces of evidence together in coherent fashion RATHER than leaping to a conclusion, and your blue-pill or neutral audience will respect your information better.

2018-03-03 05:08:53 UTC  

@GadlingTime thanx for sharing! Good advise. I’m new, but not new to these ideas. I just can’t believe how much Soros gets away with! I also don’t understand how voting machines that impact federal elections can be privately owned. Crazy! I pray Q sorts out Soros!!

2018-03-03 06:28:44 UTC  

Even if they were federally owned it would be suspect. I saw a video online a few years ago about how easy they were to meddle with.

2018-03-03 07:52:06 UTC  

@lmbd manual voting?

2018-03-03 08:24:47 UTC Do people here trust AG Sessions? He is either remaining silent and working behind the scenes or he is being passive?

2018-03-03 11:21:14 UTC  

Sessions is driving me fkn insane .

2018-03-03 11:28:37 UTC  

@Romans 6 Didn’t Q say “trust Sessions and Wray? Maybe the fact no one has been charged could be part of the sealed indictments? Read the reddit article above

2018-03-03 11:31:54 UTC  

I have

2018-03-03 11:32:24 UTC  

I have no idea whats really happening anything possiple yes Q said trust him

2018-03-03 11:33:08 UTC  

The guy makes me angry though im not patient. Yes i heard about sealed indictments

2018-03-03 12:35:21 UTC  

@Eithwen I have been looking out for Q posts but I understand there has been a huge cyber attack on the 8 chan , is that right?

2018-03-03 12:36:31 UTC  

@Eithwen Nothing much has happened this week. I am tired of seeing traitors just walking about. When are the hits coming?

2018-03-03 16:36:40 UTC  

so much strange things happen today

2018-03-03 16:37:55 UTC  

I tried t upload video on Rothchileds and House of windser to YT and te parts with them into like 5 minutes parts were gone!!!!

2018-03-03 16:38:21 UTC  

tried this 3 4 times before i gave up took half my day

2018-03-03 17:15:10 UTC  

I most certainly do not trust Sessions. Sorry Q, but I've not seen Sessions focus where he needs to at least publically

2018-03-03 17:15:56 UTC  
2018-03-03 18:45:58 UTC  

At least the POTUS and Family are at Mara Lago!

2018-03-03 18:52:43 UTC  

@Mary Poppins. Your last 3 words say it all. A sharks fin doesnt doesnt have to be visible for you to be in peril.

2018-03-03 21:42:51 UTC  

@Romans 6 you have a yt channel?

2018-03-03 23:14:51 UTC  

@Mystery Lady not really, all my vids are private or unlisted, I only use them for self need, and formatting purposes on the channel. Easier to post vid here from YT then upload from PC only reason i keep channel

2018-03-03 23:50:42 UTC  

Q is a vital asset , and that can become a distraction for some people,

2018-03-03 23:51:03 UTC  

but those people are the types that get distracted about many things in life

2018-03-03 23:53:11 UTC  

Q is a tool, you supposed to take what he says and go do own research and spread what you found around while discovering new things and fostering an environment of people who ask question and seek truth. IF you focus only on Q post's without doing any of what I just said, I agree with you , it can become a distraction from reality of whats really happening out here, where most of us actually live.

2018-03-03 23:56:44 UTC  

I agree with you that apart from discovering things about Q you should also stay in the fight for battles like senate seats and congress and local elections. research on Q alone wont save us but it will help.

2018-03-03 23:57:02 UTC  


2018-03-03 23:57:36 UTC  

@Romans 6 , Im reading your document now, your thoughts on the Jesuit order?

2018-03-04 00:00:11 UTC  

@Saintlady9 hmm, Ill try to make a document for you then 😃 will take bit of time though haha

2018-03-04 00:00:16 UTC  

just pushing senate seats today...

2018-03-04 00:07:26 UTC  

Yep, the swamp strikes back, we should make a meme outta that hahaha

2018-03-04 00:07:41 UTC  

or attack of the swamp creatures!!!

2018-03-04 00:08:03 UTC  

or "the return of the swamp" lol

2018-03-04 00:09:39 UTC  

@Romans 6 ... “Q” is just a tool... We all have to discern what is truth for ourselves... but that’s the beauty of the ‘concept’ of “Q”... The Socratic Method used is good for our collective souls... it allows “us” to decent for “ourselves”... (after researching the perceived interaction)...

2018-03-04 00:10:29 UTC  

‏ @Godsproblem
18h18 hours ago

Antidisestablishment Retweeted The Hill

heads up. Boots on the ground. United we stand.

Antidisestablishment added,

2018-03-04 00:12:31 UTC