Message from @Tina

Discord ID: 417833833220800522

2018-02-26 23:47:08 UTC  

for it is not only us that rely upon mass communications and the populace feeding from common news sources

2018-02-26 23:47:20 UTC  

global dimming?

2018-02-26 23:47:40 UTC  

global dimming is how they use chemtrails to cover the sun

2018-02-26 23:48:41 UTC  

Someone once asked me about chemtrails and I told them they didn't exists, I forgot that I had applied for a job spraying them, LOL

2018-02-26 23:48:55 UTC  

if we do have some sort of EMP attack, I dont think it will be from anyone living on Earth

2018-02-26 23:49:13 UTC  

btw, my letter "A" is messing up

2018-02-26 23:50:18 UTC  

if we have a emp attack on earth, it will most likely come from the sun in the form of a solar flare storm

2018-02-26 23:50:45 UTC  

@Dustin Nemos nice boyish blue colour scheme today

2018-02-26 23:50:45 UTC  

I think that is why they are coving the earth with those chemtrails

2018-02-26 23:50:51 UTC  

and mornin'

2018-02-26 23:52:56 UTC  

I was going to be spraying silver idodide via flares for WX modificatoin experiment

2018-02-26 23:53:05 UTC  

That's a chemtrail, right?

2018-02-26 23:53:11 UTC  

someone commented - 1. No proof cruz fired a weapon
2. No gun residue testing
3. Ar-15 would not fit in a backpack
4. Blonde female student said she was walking next to cruz while they heard gun fire
5. Several students indicate multiple shooters
6. Female teacher indicated she saw shooter in full on army looking gear
7. David hogg’s momma works at CNN, his daddy former fbi
8. David hogg films himself in a closet claiming they are hiding from shooter same day of shooting and calls out the time – 5 hrs prior to actual shooting
9. Sheriff Israel threw deputy under the bus BUT that deputy said he thought he heard shots from outside the building. If that were the case WHY DID HE RESIgn?? WOULD BE NO REASON TOO.
10. 3 OTHER cops remained outside next to their vehicle as well…….ur telling me all 4 were cowards? Not likely
11. Officers from another county arrive and go in
12. 4 or 5 swat team members dressed in black carry out a large black baG and put it in the back of a white pick up truck. Looked like a gun bag.
13. 1 male teacher told his wife how to proceed with funeral if he was shot and killed. Sounds like he an idea something was going down
14. The security cameras were put on a 26 min delay approximately 2 months prior to the shooting. Why? who does this and for what reason.
15. The principle never verified the there was a fire when the fire alarm was pulled as he is supposed to per policy, instead he let those kids out into the line of fire then called a code red to get them back in the classroom.
16. Why are theY tearing down the building like they did AFTER the texas church SHOOTING? To remove evidence of multiple shooters/different ammo.

2018-02-26 23:53:32 UTC  

ty della lol

2018-02-26 23:54:51 UTC  


2018-02-26 23:56:12 UTC  

That's a good list.

2018-02-26 23:59:09 UTC  

Was it ever confirmed that Hogg's mother works/worked at CNN?

2018-02-26 23:59:24 UTC  

Dustin you forgot a few things

2018-02-27 00:01:28 UTC  

The Uber driver. A teacher called on his walkie talkie that he saw Cruz get out of the car and regular clothes and walk toward school. Or was that the principal

2018-02-27 00:01:55 UTC  

Then one min later he heard the first shots being fired

2018-02-27 00:02:28 UTC  

No way Cruz can change in full on armor in one minute

2018-02-27 00:05:06 UTC  

Was it really an uber driver or an unmarked P car?

2018-02-27 00:06:24 UTC  

who else wanted the baby shower amazon wishlist? @Melrose Pug i PM'd it to you

2018-02-27 00:07:19 UTC  

send me a PM for it and i'll send you link ty!

2018-02-27 00:07:59 UTC  

GOOD JOB DEMS! Google Searches for "Buy a Gun" hit ALL TIME HIGHS

2018-02-27 00:08:07 UTC  

@Dustin Nemos Instagram came into being accoridng to wayback machine 14th Feb 2018 it was "created" 2015 an dpublic private instagram "pics" show evidence of bad ela aka a ton of saves discrepencies, also Suchers are Century International Arms Zionist, mutli scandal ridden BIG TIME international arms dealers connected with gun runs to ALCIA, Central America, and Ukraine etc. I was banned on Vimeo today Dustin for "inciting hatred" yes telling the truth makes people hateful towrds the wicked. Meanwhile Dtube is slow shit.

2018-02-27 00:08:37 UTC  

#FloridaShooting The more you dig the more you find...see any familiar faces?

2018-02-27 00:09:09 UTC

2018-02-27 00:09:14 UTC  

vimeo banned you?

2018-02-27 00:09:16 UTC  

the hell?

2018-02-27 00:11:53 UTC  

o urban moving, yours was the first channel I saw get hit during latest purge

2018-02-27 00:12:00 UTC  

almost like sveral hours before

2018-02-27 00:12:08 UTC  

@Dustin Nemos Yes because fo the Sucher and the David Hogg hateful reddit vids, I showed how Hogg was in California he said in July he was so happy to move back hated florida had violent intent towards turmp and thought mosquitoes were a "great" thing because they "killed billions a year" and that is good for the environment I said he fitted the profile of a real school shooter, Dad FBI(Klebold and Harris LOL)/ATF/GOV hack and had a hateful attitude towards humanity. Hogg also stated he watched the Falcon 9 space launch in October from Vandenburg nearly "300 miles" away only launch and distance around that is San Diego where his family was staying

2018-02-27 00:13:05 UTC  

your a total gangster!

2018-02-27 00:13:13 UTC  

yeah they will crush you for talking about him

2018-02-27 00:13:24 UTC  

while cnn calls the other students they censored liars.

2018-02-27 00:13:43 UTC  

@GumBubbleOutOf They know me and I know them. When i had the military brass come down hard on me for calling the OBL death photos hoax I told them thats an Iraqi kileld in 2005 photosgoppe dthe other is BlackhawkDown they couldn't argue but made me remvoe everything off my old FB account and held court martial over my head. I know Blackhawk down dammit I knew that scene lol

2018-02-27 00:14:28 UTC  

wow, so your from the inside in some way?

2018-02-27 00:14:55 UTC  

Huff ran toward the building, and upon his arrival he encountered Peterson. “The school resource officer was behind a stairwell wall, just standing there, and he had his gun drawn, and he was just pointing it at the building,” Huff said, referring to Peterson. “And shots started going off inside, you could hear them over and over again.”

2018-02-27 00:15:14 UTC  

@Vimeo and Google = Open to the public but denies people the ability to be "Serviced" Leftist court says Cake baker must serve gays bvecuase they are "open to the publc" Nice ivnersion dual standards and hypocrisy pyschos.