Message from @Saintlady9

Discord ID: 418595108095655944

2018-03-01 02:18:01 UTC  

Yes do explain

2018-03-01 02:19:33 UTC  

I have questioned recently whether Obama and Trump are playing good cop bad cop. Some of the legislation that Trump has put through concerns me and now he's talking about a ban on guns. You would think with all the stuff going on on fisa he would try to disseminate that but instead he added extra surveillance. Also he signed an executive order to stop chemtrailing and we're still being chemtrailed, Jared Kushner is fixing to be indicted large and they wanted him to give up his security clearance and Trump had his back and said no he didn't have to do that and Kushner is not for us, that's enough for now. Also the building at the Forefront of the money laundering fraud for Kushner is number 666, seriously?

2018-03-01 02:20:47 UTC  

I also believe we are in the end times. We know how it ends. We will definitely see what is coming and God will reveal who is who.

2018-03-01 02:20:59 UTC  

@blink5959 I’m hoping the same thing, time for an end time harvest.

2018-03-01 02:21:06 UTC  

Correct, it's the tribulation part that has me worried

2018-03-01 02:21:13 UTC  

Agreed oldp

2018-03-01 02:22:47 UTC  

@Saintlady9 I do not think Trump has as much power as you seem to think he has. Seems to me Congress and Kelly control him more than he controls things. I read an article saying he is not allowed to fire Sessions because the Senate would not allow any new nomination.

2018-03-01 02:23:55 UTC  

@Steve Angell I've had the Session sstart for a while. And the reason they won't allow a new nomination is because he is doing nothing, he is not for us either.

2018-03-01 02:24:11 UTC  

It is funny this talk about God. I mean Christians vary greatly about how they take Bible Revelation. America not even in the Bible according to most. If America is then it is Babylon who will be destroyed.

2018-03-01 02:24:16 UTC  

No need for that. I am willing to give my life for the Lord. HE IS MY ROCK. My shield. Death means being withHim.

2018-03-01 02:24:27 UTC  

The previous two topics I just spoke of up there he signed executive orders for

2018-03-01 02:24:52 UTC  

@Saintlady9 Congress does not want anything done. Theater is all they do. They do not set the agenda. Smoke and mirrors.

2018-03-01 02:25:06 UTC  


2018-03-01 02:25:18 UTC  

As long as they are doing nothing we're going to FEMA camps

2018-03-01 02:25:41 UTC  

True Steve. America not mentioned. Makes one wonder, doesn't it

2018-03-01 02:26:08 UTC  

I don't worry about me I've lived my life but I have a daughter and three grandchildren in this is breaking my heart. Babylon is Iraq, correct?

2018-03-01 02:26:18 UTC  

Personally I believe Israel is the biggest lie and America is the real Israel.

2018-03-01 02:26:40 UTC  

@Steve Angell you might be right, would explain how the higher courts have more power then a president and basically tell Trump what to do

2018-03-01 02:26:44 UTC  

Babylon is the Roman Empire

2018-03-01 02:26:51 UTC  

Half the time I don't know what I believe anymore because people on both sides present compelling arguments

2018-03-01 02:27:30 UTC  

@Tina I don't know how it is now but Bill Clinton used to laugh and tell me that the only person that could arrest him was a park ranger. That's kind of odd but it was true back then I had to research it I didn't believe him

2018-03-01 02:27:39 UTC  

Yes my belief is we are in bondage still. Babylon became Rome and Rome is England and the US controlled by England/Germany. The German/Roman Holy Empire.

2018-03-01 02:27:52 UTC  

Saintlady. That my thing too, what kind of world are my kids and grandchildren going to have

2018-03-01 02:27:54 UTC  

The Vatican more precisely

2018-03-01 02:28:00 UTC  

Able Danger has some compelling information. Q and AD are my main reads right now.

2018-03-01 02:28:02 UTC  

I seriously think Bush was the last president (9/11) and everyone after him is just in it for a trophy

2018-03-01 02:28:32 UTC  

Yes the Vatican and Switzerland. All connected.

2018-03-01 02:29:13 UTC  

City of London

2018-03-01 02:29:24 UTC  

@Tina bush came from Germany the grandfather who was a banker that financed the Nazis they change their name from Streff or something like that to Bush when they got to America. They are Illuminati at its finest

2018-03-01 02:29:29 UTC  

Both Bush's were shams. Both pretended to be Conservative then acted as liberal as possible.

2018-03-01 02:29:51 UTC  

i think the next president is going to be crazier to think of them as a president then even Trunp was

2018-03-01 02:30:16 UTC  

GW could not have done a better job setting it up so Obama would win.

2018-03-01 02:30:16 UTC  

Oprah said she would run but she has the wrong blood lines and if you know anything about the Bloodlines of the presidents they are all related and they all have Rh negative blood

2018-03-01 02:30:45 UTC  

Jesuits and their Zionist cohorts. Been that way since Pope John Paul I...he was going to end the corruption but he only made it 33 days.

2018-03-01 02:30:53 UTC  

they said Obama was in the bloodline

2018-03-01 02:30:54 UTC  

Are they? They could 13'th cousins. We are basically all that related.

2018-03-01 02:31:15 UTC  

Steve just a thought. In the bible new testiment, we are grafted in to the Jewish people b by faith in Jesus Christ. So. As a Christian country is theUSA in the bible considered part of Israel? Don't I know.

2018-03-01 02:31:22 UTC  

@Tina yes they did but they also manufactured a Hawaiian birth

2018-03-01 02:31:39 UTC  

If Trump isn’t the fix, I’m done voting. Been fooled long enough to participate in the scam of voting.

2018-03-01 02:31:55 UTC  

i stopped voting at obama

2018-03-01 02:32:01 UTC  

@Steve Angell, it's the Rh negative that's important