Message from @StormFag

Discord ID: 420043407197470730

2018-03-05 01:57:46 UTC  

Water dot org is challenging the traditional approach to assisting people in developing countries. Their goals are to draw attention to the world’s number one health problem, unsafe and inadequate water supplies, and to raise funds to help fight this immense problem – one community at a time.

2018-03-05 02:01:41 UTC  

What’s left of the Larsen B ice shelf is widely considered to be on borrowed time, having lost a chunk of ice the size of Rhode Island back in 2002.

2018-03-05 02:02:09 UTC  

One of the world’s largest icebergs ever recorded has sheared off from the Larsen C ice shelf on the Antarctic peninsula.
The rift, or crack, in the ice shelf – which are floating sheets of ice connected to land — began in 2010 and has grown steadily since then.
Now, the iceberg, which is roughly the size of Delaware, will gracefully drift away from the ice shelf over the next few weeks.
As for what happens next, the berg could remain in the region, where the ocean is quite cold, and stick around for years, perhaps even decades. Or it may move north where it would melt more quickly.

2018-03-05 02:02:33 UTC  

And That is from ice farming, probably reported as an effect of "global warming"

2018-03-05 02:04:40 UTC  

Ya, I'm trying to find the original article. It said the UAE/Qatar would have water for decades.

2018-03-05 02:07:24 UTC  

Although Mougin initially received backing from a Saudi prince, experts told him that the project was too difficult and too expensive. It remained on the backburner for decades while Mr Mougin worked on other projects, including the Channel tunnel.

After 141 days, the tug and its giant cargo arrive in the Canary Islands - a suitable holding location from where the water can be directed to drought spots in Africa.

And 3D computer simulations now show that a seven-million ton iceberg could be transported by a single tugboat from Newfoundland to the Canary Islands in less than five months without the iceberg melting.

The model showed that just 38 per cent of the 525ft-deep iceberg would melt during its journey - with plenty of fresh water remaining to funnel into drought-ridden areas.

A 30-million ton iceberg could provide 500,000 people with fresh water for a year.
Mr Mougin now hopes the latest evidence will enable him to raise £2million to fund a trial run next year, towing a smaller iceberg from the Antarctic to Australia.

2018-03-05 02:12:02 UTC  

@TruthLogicReason I have a list of banned/suspended people. It's definitely not comprehensive. I haven't typed it up yet but I can and post here. It's be nice to have a list here that can be added to.

2018-03-05 02:13:28 UTC  
2018-03-05 02:14:55 UTC  

All these countries tied to Communism, the Clinton Foundation, and Russia. BRIC nations.

2018-03-05 02:18:12 UTC  

@ The Bridge so glad Q told us to be careful who we followed..President Trump is not a commie..go suck an egg

2018-03-05 02:18:58 UTC  

@Maga gal It would be great to know where to find them now. There's so many name changes and/or many different websites where they could have moved.

2018-03-05 02:21:00 UTC  

Okay guys. I dropped the intel I had. I did the research. Stumbled on it. Followed up. Found out that The Bridge is a Chinese Communist project to destroy Western Imperialism - started by LaRouche PAC - videos are on that website. It terraforms Africa to plant crops there (probably GMO crops) and connects a new silk road of Russia and China by way of rail-lines, oil pipe lines, and tunnels underneath the bering straight, to steal the western united states, the maps and videos on the project are on youtube at LaRouch PAC live and at their website.Trump is selling our oil to the communist Chinese and praised their dictator and promoted no term limits and is taking our guns and his daughter has business dealings in India and China. Trump rents out Trump tower to the Chinese government. That's well documented.The truth is out there.

2018-03-05 02:21:07 UTC  

I wonder if this might have something to do with the "BOOM" post from Q?

2018-03-05 02:21:36 UTC  
2018-03-05 02:23:17 UTC  

Hope you guys follow up, "New International Economic Order" right there on LaRouche PAC. A communist new world order. Who promotes the NWO? Kissinger. Who has Trump been meeting with negotiating with the Chinese? Kissinger. It's out there.

2018-03-05 02:24:22 UTC  


2018-03-05 02:25:03 UTC  

Boom page has news at the bottom.... lots of tech dirt in there.... and dead links from what I assume to be shell companies

2018-03-05 02:25:36 UTC  

It's all about data analysis via tons of subcategories and cloud based shit. Microsoft and all evil fucks using cloud.

2018-03-05 02:27:56 UTC  

@TheBridge lots to look at. Do you have an action plan or just alerting? Which is cool

2018-03-05 02:28:38 UTC  

Echo made with chinese chips that call home every night. Tech giants letting china spy on all of us... for a price of course.

2018-03-05 02:28:54 UTC  

dont mind me-- just digging and posting anything I feel I should share

2018-03-05 02:29:06 UTC

2018-03-05 02:29:38 UTC  

Cloud has always been a red flag... then they make it where all apps have to use it. How convenient!

2018-03-05 02:33:53 UTC  

I find it kinda weird a bit... Someone new joins and drops so much info about "The Bridge" that it had to take a lot of time to prepare, first of all. And the second, that someone new comes in with a name "The Bridge"... hmm..?

2018-03-05 02:35:52 UTC  

@One soul me after he implied Trump had communist ties, I looked back at the beginning expecting to see "once upon a time"

2018-03-05 02:36:50 UTC  

I was thinking the same thing, @One soul me

2018-03-05 02:36:58 UTC  

@mr.mark do you have that weird feeling also?

2018-03-05 02:37:34 UTC  

But I question everything lol

2018-03-05 02:37:48 UTC  

So much so I'll not even try to verify.

2018-03-05 02:37:50 UTC  

@StormFag thank God, I am not crazy then...

2018-03-05 02:38:45 UTC  

@One soul me distraction came to mind

2018-03-05 02:39:01 UTC  

of the current situation with millenials and marxist ducation

2018-03-05 02:41:03 UTC  

What a long speech !!!!!!