Message from @Blat salad! πŸ’πŸΏπŸ₯—

Discord ID: 672071103115689994

2020-01-16 20:07:17 UTC  

how? be silent and pay attention... when u see it just joo it

2020-01-17 03:34:57 UTC

This is what ruckas refers to as β€œniggatry!”

2020-01-20 18:52:57 UTC  

bang bang skeet skeet nigga

2020-01-20 18:55:03 UTC  

tucker gettin passionate ey

2020-01-20 18:59:18 UTC  

sounds like 2 blahh waman

He’s losing because hes not honest and real! With her lunacy he’s accepting this and that and β€œcompromising” so he can get across one point

2020-01-21 20:22:03 UTC  

nah. he juss passionate.

2020-01-21 20:22:20 UTC  

she is a snake

2020-01-25 09:02:18 UTC  


2020-01-25 14:53:51 UTC  

Is bc Jesse has some hindu ways in what he preaches

2020-01-25 19:42:10 UTC  

hinduism is a word that just means 'the religion that the people by the indus river have' but to India it was always called "sanatana dharma", which means something like "eternal religion" all they were trying to do for the past 5000 or so years was seek the Truth, which is God, so if Jesse says something that sounds 'hindu' it most probably means that two different cultures arrived at the same conclusion.

2020-01-26 03:48:46 UTC  

just say no to pagan demonic religions sacrificing to devils and idols, children of the lie

2020-01-26 06:14:47 UTC  

That is a mutated sect. You can put down the Curry's if you want, but they have a history that dates back thousands of years, as well as borders language and culture, and they know that there are only two genders. Can't say that about Europe let alone America.

2020-01-26 11:06:59 UTC  

the fallen comes in many forms. πŸ˜›

2020-01-26 20:58:25 UTC  

curries have good history, but hinduism is soemthing else entirely, it is their demonic pagan religion. In analogy it's like with white people our storied history, but in that history is the sad fact they were sacrificing animals to demons and shit until Christianity took hold in the white cultures

The hindu have some good wisdom of god the word for inner peace within is known as the atma and the devotion to god is called the dahma

Or was that buddism?

2020-01-30 03:43:07 UTC  

nah hinduism and buddhism are like full blown demonic pagan religions

2020-01-30 03:51:18 UTC  

but as for the wisdom of God, well the true God said this:

2020-01-30 03:51:26 UTC  

1 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

2020-02-07 20:11:28 UTC  

@Japheth buddhists don't worship any god

2020-02-07 20:11:33 UTC  

@Japheth buddhists don't worship any god

2020-02-08 01:05:37 UTC  

incorrect, they worship buddha

2020-02-08 01:05:57 UTC  

and then a lot of them worship demonic folk "gods"

2020-02-08 01:06:42 UTC  

though that aspect is not as realized or discussed in the West to the foolish weeaboos that go a whorin' after the evil demonic pagan religion of buddhism

2020-02-08 08:13:15 UTC  

hindu just means india, and they have infinite gods because God is everywhere, if you're looking for God. if you are busy fault-finding, you will find evil everywhere.

2020-02-08 15:10:41 UTC  

No, hindus worship demons. There is only one God.

2020-02-08 21:31:23 UTC  

God is the Truth, hindu means Indian. God made demons.

2020-02-09 01:11:01 UTC  

some ppl will deny god made them πŸ˜›

2020-02-09 01:11:59 UTC  

we are simulations to find the right path. once a person finds the right path we'll all be whiped out to prepare for the new version of humans.

2020-02-09 01:56:41 UTC  


2020-02-09 06:41:39 UTC  

God is Truth indeed, hindus worship demons, and God said don't worship demons, worship God only.

2020-02-09 13:20:15 UTC  

what are you going to gain ultimately by denouncing nations of people who have remained intact for 5000 years and your country is 200 years old and can't decide what bathroom to use?

2020-02-09 13:21:20 UTC  

Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not notice the log in your own eye?

2020-02-09 13:22:52 UTC  

India really doesn't need me to defend her because God has preserved her perfectly without my help for thousands of years. If God hated india he would have wiped them out already thousands of years ago.

2020-02-09 13:24:10 UTC  

maybe there's a lot of dumb people there, just like there's probably a lot of dumb people in America. so what. There's reasons for different peoples and nations and faiths to exist.

2020-02-09 13:25:10 UTC  

you don't offend _me_ it just hurts that there's people out there who really believe they know it all and that's the real alarm.