Message from @SirW00f
Discord ID: 450673338281361429
also was limited to 30-60hz at the time
for scan rates
at the time, my pc monitor was 85hz
and smart phones came out too late for me to exploit the concept ideas
just went too far off topic
ya think
ok they relate bc they all tie together in the end
however; think Q
i bet every shy kid in here is trying to look up research into mk-ultra just to resume research on how to get laid
yes but that proves their intent is not or other than to follow Q
ya but Q and other truthers exposed the mk-ultra work of msm
ok they relate bc they all tie together in the end
anyway need to go
had a discussion yesterday on another server about how when g, pg, r and x rating system came into creation...and how it's been warped to a point where g is now bordering on classic 'r' rating and pg is bordering on classic 'x' rating
nite della
Someone call?
Both of you *DUDES* are adorable, and hush Della4. He meant it all in good fun 😜
Hey??? What happened to Rudyland?? It is off my discuss.....
its still there
lol.... found it...
Mine is gone
And I live! What a busy weekend
Hey guys!
*yawns* well im up
i really suggest u watch the zombie vid....should make a good red pill primer
Will do!
wikileaks = comp'd
Sounds that way, and I haven’t even looked into the matter much
what up "DUDES"
Lol nothing much dude, how you doin my dude?