Message from @Relic 1776

Discord ID: 456288589970407424

2018-06-13 00:10:44 UTC  

It was during his flight yes but the plane wasn already long gone and almost to singapore

2018-06-13 00:32:48 UTC  

Well if we are talking ICBM. Singapore is on the table.(or Korea) If i counted correctly, AF1 would have been a few hours away from Singapore. But using an ICBM against a Plane is kinda strange. I lean in the direction that something on the ground must have been targeted.

2018-06-13 00:36:53 UTC  

Notice the misspelled words in Q post 1469. The 2 words that were misspelled were "missile" and "stopped". Missile stopped? Missile intercepted? Just thinking out loud...

2018-06-13 00:42:01 UTC  

War is going high tech. Looks like whoever has the best Nerd(s) wins. Kinda scary though...

2018-06-13 00:53:11 UTC  

@Maga gal that's what I was thinking, POTUS flight was scheduled for 10am, but he left early.. was wondering if that meant flight was early as well... As that would mean a missile launch at 4am could align in time for AF1 intercept

2018-06-13 00:54:09 UTC  

But it's assumption as we don't know actual AF1 departure, just initial scheduled departure

2018-06-13 00:55:12 UTC  

Was thinking that giant weird weather anomaly was the explosion of the missile

2018-06-13 00:55:26 UTC  

Hence the shape, perfect circle

2018-06-13 00:55:50 UTC  

I'd love to see the time lapse of that weather front

2018-06-13 01:01:31 UTC  

Wish it had history

2018-06-13 01:12:05 UTC  

That Weather thing is a Q!

2018-06-13 01:16:22 UTC  

We know

2018-06-13 01:16:49 UTC  

Definitely weird

2018-06-13 01:25:00 UTC  

I think the bottom to make it a Q happens to be coincidence tbh the leftovers from the weather front

2018-06-13 02:08:52 UTC  

That's great news!

2018-06-13 02:37:35 UTC  

Or it could be this....

US Air Force Admits They Can Control the Weather | Covert Geopolitics

2018-06-13 02:47:10 UTC  

This is some really scary sh*t!

2018-06-13 02:47:57 UTC  

over a year old...

2018-06-13 02:49:28 UTC  

Nah, three years old. 6/2015

2018-06-13 02:52:19 UTC  

DRod absolutely rocks, btw

2018-06-13 03:01:52 UTC

2018-06-13 03:03:18 UTC  

@UnknownTruth Missile stopped. I find it more likely two were stopped one to Hawaii and one to Japan than both of their systems malfunctioned and scared their citizens to death. I thought God stopped them. However perhaps the military has UFO's that stopped them or something else we do not know about. I believe this is the real reason Kim is willing to give up Nukes. If he can not use them on us why keep them.

2018-06-13 03:04:48 UTC  

Q has new post not copied here yet.

2018-06-13 03:06:17 UTC  

Jeff Sessions called the house members threatened by the FBI liars tonight. Seems to me Q is no longer saying trust him. Am I getting this right. I injured my brain so I am not sure.

2018-06-13 03:06:37 UTC  

@Steve Angell you are correct, adding them now

2018-06-13 03:07:54 UTC  

<#419210947866132500> have been updated

2018-06-13 03:17:53 UTC  

Are we supposed to trust this liar who claims Nunes is a liar? Come on when someone accuses someone of breaking the law and you are in charge of the FBI you should investigate it not just call them a liar.

2018-06-13 04:13:49 UTC  

what is this story about house members being threatened by the FBI and sessions calling them?

2018-06-13 04:13:53 UTC  

link to a story?

2018-06-13 04:14:12 UTC  

@Steve Angell yes, good actors.... Who knows where Nunes really stands, look at roanne for instance

2018-06-13 04:14:15 UTC  

my future wife after i hit the lottery

2018-06-13 04:15:32 UTC  


2018-06-13 04:15:45 UTC  

gL with that

2018-06-13 04:28:32 UTC  

@Relic 1776 I do know it’s old, but it is a good reminder to keep in mind what they are capable of doing with the weather. I can only imagine what they are capable of by now... I’ve been reading a lot about 5G ...

2018-06-13 04:51:05 UTC  

Lots of new Q peeps