Message from @Bleezer

Discord ID: 457987465538699284

2018-06-17 15:53:48 UTC  

also 'historical' pics of him with his family...are suspect of photoshop editting

2018-06-17 15:57:31 UTC  

they may have been processed by an expert in photoshop, but not an expert in photography

2018-06-17 15:58:13 UTC  

Yes, I am referring to a different person's birth certificate, completely unrelated to Obama or his father, to provide separate confirmation as to the stated points. ie if you were born in Hawaii in 1961, were African American, what would your certificate say?. Those kinds of documents would be the proof of the statements. I know that the author of the article probably has that research, but for the general population, that would need to be included.

2018-06-17 15:58:32 UTC  

i'm not so much an expert in photography, but i'm really good in photography history...and color detail was never that good in the timeline its supposed to be in

2018-06-17 15:59:06 UTC  

black and white photographs were in high detail, but not color

2018-06-17 15:59:39 UTC  

so even if colorize the images...theres still tell-tale errors in the conversion

2018-06-17 16:00:42 UTC  

I really like the logic of the statements... can't argue with those....unless Obama says he got his "facts" wrong.

2018-06-17 16:01:01 UTC  

I have no clue about photography/photographic history, so I'll take your word for it... or should I???🤔 😉

2018-06-17 16:01:31 UTC  

i did a history paper for school i was in

2018-06-17 16:23:36 UTC

2018-06-17 17:22:22 UTC  

<#419210947866132500> Updated Q

2018-06-17 17:22:25 UTC  


2018-06-17 18:00:08 UTC  

Is there a reason to post these in both memes and in here? @SirW00f

2018-06-17 19:11:04 UTC  

Looks like some people are concerned about Q posting a debunked video

2018-06-17 19:11:06 UTC  


2018-06-17 19:18:36 UTC  

The video of obama?

2018-06-17 19:18:40 UTC  

In europe?

2018-06-17 19:19:25 UTC  

I remember hearing about that shit back in 2016 and ya YouTube scrubbed all the videos

2018-06-17 19:20:03 UTC  

But I didnt really look into it i was just like oh ya obongo again we are all fucked who cares

2018-06-17 19:35:27 UTC  

Yeah the Obama video

2018-06-17 19:35:44 UTC  

Alot of confusion going on

2018-06-17 19:36:20 UTC  

So much Q to catch up on

2018-06-17 19:40:51 UTC  

I mean IDK how it would be fake

2018-06-17 19:40:53 UTC  

hes there

2018-06-17 19:40:56 UTC  

in europe

2018-06-17 19:40:58 UTC  


2018-06-17 19:41:06 UTC  

and saying things that slimy scumbag would usually say

2018-06-17 19:47:40 UTC  

Ok so you've probably all seen this by now. Q did not say WRONG...but he said track history so its possible we are on the right track, but..we are obviously missing something.

2018-06-17 19:49:19 UTC  

What a weekend, so busy here IRL

2018-06-17 19:50:04 UTC  

Happy Father's day to all the dad's out there!

2018-06-17 19:51:45 UTC  

The vid provide by an Anon was snippets to point out specific things... It's important to get the full picture not just opinion / custom negative.. that is why I feel that Q posted to the full video

2018-06-17 19:55:19 UTC  

What stood out for me is he mentioned Demmaxist

2018-06-17 19:59:05 UTC  

It was @7.24 where he said it... I feel like it was a slip

2018-06-17 20:01:29 UTC  

@creepyAnon Ok but who is that guy in that picture? I mean not his roomate the other guy is he some sort of politician or something?

2018-06-17 20:04:15 UTC  

thats the link that is trying to be established..

2018-06-17 20:04:20 UTC  

its not clear yet

2018-06-17 20:06:30 UTC  

So funny... Says in the speach about how a country can choose what it wants to do and that the big buy shouldn't be able to push around the little guy... Then says how the union and USA is going to push around Russia for now following their policies