Message from @S8N

Discord ID: 671819957817966600

2020-01-28 20:46:45 UTC  

if you have an honest question then feel free to ask it and we can discuss it (indigo)

2020-01-28 20:46:46 UTC  

thats what im telling you.

2020-01-28 20:47:03 UTC  

even though you've been unnecessarily condescending to me and trying to insult me

2020-01-28 20:47:08 UTC  

i want to have a conversation with you

2020-01-28 20:47:11 UTC  

i asked you a question

2020-01-28 20:47:14 UTC  


2020-01-28 20:47:20 UTC  

I'm not interested in having a conversation with you. And can you repeat it? I didn't see one.

2020-01-28 20:47:38 UTC  

look ma'am

2020-01-28 20:47:47 UTC  

im trying to understand your position

2020-01-28 20:47:55 UTC  

no... IT

2020-01-28 20:48:01 UTC  


2020-01-28 20:48:20 UTC  

I assume that means you don't have a question? I scrolled up even and haven't found one @Indigo

2020-01-28 20:48:36 UTC  

he asked you to explain your position

2020-01-28 20:48:43 UTC  

you can start with that

2020-01-28 20:49:35 UTC  

@Indigo if you want to discuss something, starting with something a bit more specific might be helpful. I already explained my broader interests. Was there something that you would like to address in more detail?

2020-01-28 20:49:55 UTC  

(no pressure, it just seems like you're attempting to begin a discussion)

2020-01-28 20:49:58 UTC  

given the server topic, explain your positions on feminism

2020-01-28 20:51:42 UTC  

@lolo what kind of left ideology are you?

2020-01-28 20:52:23 UTC  

okay, I'll ask...
what did you choke on when you read the description??? 😲

2020-01-28 20:52:25 UTC  

I try to avoid ideology. If forced to classify I'd say antideutsche communist. But I focus much more on critical theory than on orthodox marxism

2020-01-28 20:52:39 UTC  

what do you mean by "Antideutsche"?

2020-01-28 20:53:49 UTC  

1. antideutsche is a particular brand of antifascism that began in germany, mostly in response to reunification and in contrast to anti-imp movements of the late 20th century.

2. sorry to admit, didn't actually choke :c

2020-01-28 20:55:07 UTC  

interesting. are you more of a "statist" communist or lean more on the libertarian side?

2020-01-28 20:55:40 UTC  

libertarian 'left' is an oxymoron

2020-01-28 20:55:52 UTC  

perhaps, im still interested

2020-01-28 20:55:54 UTC  

I'm against authoritarianism. The question of the state is rather complex and historical.

liberatarian originated in the left.

2020-01-28 20:56:14 UTC  

doesn't make it right

2020-01-28 20:56:17 UTC  

anarchism is also an explicitly left movement.

2020-01-28 20:56:35 UTC  

how can a society be anarchist if there's an enforced restricted economy?

2020-01-28 20:56:53 UTC  

I think that's a bit of a loaded question, because you've already (falsely) defined "left" within it.

2020-01-28 20:57:34 UTC  

most socialists are focused on the goal of redistributing the means of production and commonly owned means of production

2020-01-28 20:57:39 UTC  

its a quite restricted economy compared to others

2020-01-28 20:57:52 UTC  

wouldnt the needed enforcement of that require a state?

2020-01-28 20:58:19 UTC  

I will also say that anarchism is focused on the destruction of hierarchies. This includes all hierarchies, not just economic hierarchy. As such, any self-proclaimed anarchism that fails to meet such criterion is ignoring the political project of anarchism.

2020-01-28 20:58:55 UTC  

anarchy as a term simply means the lack of authority and/or laws or rules

2020-01-28 20:58:56 UTC  

Economic hierarchy including but not limited to: private ownership of capital, waged labor, exploitation, etc.

2020-01-28 20:59:03 UTC  

the less rules you have, the more anarchy you have

2020-01-28 20:59:13 UTC  

and the more hierarchy

2020-01-28 20:59:29 UTC  

hierarchy exists everywhere

2020-01-28 20:59:37 UTC  

Wikipedia is an incomplete assessment, but it's even written there into the first sentence.