Message from @Nepene

Discord ID: 678973467768389678

2020-02-17 05:27:56 UTC  

2020-02-17 05:28:32 UTC  


2020-02-17 07:08:07 UTC  

Please verify me

2020-02-17 07:56:47 UTC  

what brings you to the server?

2020-02-17 07:59:02 UTC  

Uhm I just want to chill with you guys

2020-02-17 09:00:33 UTC  

I guess the mods are sleeping right now

2020-02-17 09:22:43 UTC  

Hey @Scripted ! How are you doing?

2020-02-17 09:23:26 UTC  

So what kinds of men's issues are you interested in? 🙂

2020-02-17 14:20:47 UTC  

2020-02-17 14:20:47 UTC  

2020-02-17 14:21:17 UTC  

a comment

2020-02-17 14:25:52 UTC  

Hello, my name is Serenity. I've been hanging around in a couple of servers but it never really clicks, and my intuition is telling me that it's because there are many women there, it just changes the dynamic. Right now I want to vent, but I'd like to do it among men. I'm not involved with men's rights in daily life, but it's something I care about. Esp. when I see a documentary like The Red Pill

2020-02-17 14:26:00 UTC  

Thanks for granting me access

2020-02-17 14:26:39 UTC  

welcome @Serenity

2020-02-17 14:26:50 UTC  

Thank you. 🙂

2020-02-17 14:30:56 UTC  

Also I just want to mention: I find myself getting banned from various servers, every time I run into an issue, people side up against me. And so I've changed my avatar to a female character to see if that makes people treat me differently. But it's not the same obviously. I want the freedom to present myself as a male without being judged. That's why I'm here.

2020-02-17 14:36:23 UTC  

You can definitely present as male here.

2020-02-17 14:37:09 UTC  

So long as you avoid obvious trolly things you're probably safe from gangs.

2020-02-17 14:37:29 UTC  

We're fairly friendly.

2020-02-17 14:37:34 UTC  

Yeah of course

2020-02-17 14:38:09 UTC  

Only people who tend to have gang issues is people who say feminism is the best and men are toxic a lot.

2020-02-17 14:39:02 UTC  

DAE run into this issue though? Where they can't even be themselves without getting banned from server after server, with mods always being prejudiced against them?

2020-02-17 14:40:46 UTC  

Depends on why the mods don't like you, and what servers you were on.

2020-02-17 14:41:05 UTC  

We're fine with fierce arguments and debates, if that was the issue.

2020-02-17 18:26:14 UTC  

2020-02-17 18:26:14 UTC  

2020-02-17 18:27:16 UTC  

Help I am hyper paranoid about people. jk

2020-02-17 18:27:30 UTC  


2020-02-17 18:27:37 UTC  

Which people are you paranoid about?

2020-02-17 18:28:24 UTC  

Just everyone. Just leaving a comment. I have like a hostile lense on life sorta

2020-02-17 18:29:15 UTC  

So, here to reduce your paranoia?

2020-02-17 18:29:30 UTC  

Wouldn;t mind talking to people who can relate

2020-02-17 18:29:37 UTC  

I basically try to get a rough idea of why everyone is here.

2020-02-17 18:29:53 UTC  

Also I am drawn to the mens rights debate

2020-02-17 18:30:08 UTC  

Even thought I am not entirly in it's scope of concern

2020-02-17 18:30:18 UTC  

Well then, come on in and talk.

2020-02-17 18:30:26 UTC  

lol thank you

2020-02-17 18:33:29 UTC  

If you are also paranoid about romantic partners doing weird things to you, this may be a place for you.

2020-02-17 18:33:34 UTC  

That's our main paranoia.

2020-02-17 18:44:29 UTC  

My concern I suppose is males connecting to each other. A partner has always been easy for me to dismiss. weird as it sounds I am paranoid that all males are hostile to other males unless you join their tribe.

2020-02-17 18:47:32 UTC  

Men tend to be good at getting on well with people if there's a common goal.