Message from @R1V37H34D

Discord ID: 465957408716357640

2018-07-09 17:04:55 UTC  

always resort to child attacks when they have nothing else

2018-07-09 17:07:43 UTC  

whats crazy, is that i wasn't even arguing politic stances, like at all... it was a straight up outlandish attack against my character that was completely uncalled for... AT WORK, INFRONT OF OTHER COWORKERS

2018-07-09 17:07:47 UTC  

i cant let it stand

2018-07-09 17:11:28 UTC  

That is wild

2018-07-09 17:18:18 UTC  

like a cornered animal without a corner

2018-07-09 17:18:56 UTC  

well she was 100% out of line.

2018-07-09 17:19:47 UTC  

i've confided in this co worker a lot too, she knews me well but as soon as there was political differences of opinion she flagged me as extremist and associated all of those other things with me even though i have never behaved or spoke in a way to be identified in that way

2018-07-09 17:19:50 UTC  


2018-07-09 17:21:17 UTC  

she is leaving in a few months, i think she doesnt care anymore because of that but I do, it was still uncalled for even if she doesnt give a crap... pretty confident she didnt come in today because she didnt want to "deal" with me... aka, she knows she fked up and is hoping it will blow over

2018-07-09 17:21:20 UTC  

it wont

2018-07-09 17:22:19 UTC  

LoL that's what she is hoping for

2018-07-09 17:22:30 UTC  

but sounds like grounds for some serious discipline or termination.

2018-07-09 17:23:06 UTC  

"i can say what i want, its fine, i have the moral highground and they will realize this and it'll be fine, i was in the right"

2018-07-09 17:23:24 UTC  

lol yeah no, it wouldnt fly the other way around

2018-07-09 17:23:55 UTC  

you want a world where freedom of speech is limited by feelings... well guess what lady... you hurt my feelings

2018-07-09 17:25:06 UTC  

Tell them you need to take a mental health day, and it has to be paid LoL.

2018-07-09 17:30:44 UTC  

yeah, maybe on thursday lol extend my vacation xD

2018-07-09 17:37:24 UTC  

And tell them everyone has to wear a MAGA hat LoL

2018-07-09 18:20:43 UTC  

haha all because it would make me feel more accepted, dont they care about my feelings?!

2018-07-09 19:05:39 UTC

2018-07-09 19:08:23 UTC

2018-07-09 19:22:52 UTC  


2018-07-09 19:23:16 UTC  

same as UK, take the guns, crime goes up, take the knives, crime goes WAY up

2018-07-09 20:38:54 UTC  

take the knives, the crime still going up...they just switch to a different weapon

2018-07-09 20:39:27 UTC  

or make their own knives

2018-07-09 20:40:01 UTC  

in a nation that has heavy cc tv coverage, crime is still on the rise

2018-07-09 20:40:20 UTC  

which means they're only there to view the show..not to enforce the laws

2018-07-09 20:41:46 UTC  

THIS is what it REALLY means to be "woke" and how the 4:00 A.M. Talking Points work.

2018-07-09 20:53:18 UTC  

@SirW00f exactly brother... exactly

2018-07-09 20:53:37 UTC  

they should just turn it into a reality tv show, at least they will get social justice that way

2018-07-09 20:55:37 UTC  

cameras are currently there for the royals and elites to enjoy the show, not the rest

2018-07-09 20:56:36 UTC  

about 1/2 of the police is in on are wondering how they can speak out against this without getting on the chopping block

2018-07-09 20:57:51 UTC  

at least 1/3 of native uk military are most likely in on it as well...since loyalty is to the crown, not to the ppl

2018-07-09 20:58:25 UTC  

remaining 2/3's are ordered by the first 1/3th

2018-07-09 21:00:05 UTC  

40`01700177 < i drop the kb and get this number

2018-07-09 21:00:57 UTC  

anyway...revolution is on the way in uk...most of uk don't know it or know how to stop it

2018-07-09 21:03:37 UTC  


2018-07-09 21:03:59 UTC  

but... what else can we do? i dont want unrest... anywhere.. BUT... truth, REAL truth, must be acted on

2018-07-09 21:28:43 UTC