Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 599049975762124830
Lovin' it.... (not mickeyD's)
MAGARULER, that is goin up...
POTUS just pointed out Joy Villa at the Summit...SOOO cool
Trump talking about "windy" contitions....I wonder what he could mean???
@MAGARULER thanks for the post RT'd It. Your never in the wrong posting a meme
Thank you @Swedish Chef
By the way I am the guy that Trump called on stage in a Brick Suit.
well hot damn!! congrats on your celebrity status lol..
I am just a humble meme farmer..
As are we all, but together we are an unstoppable army! Plowshares into MEME shares!
No doubt!!! I am going to spend some time in the next 48 updating this server. Its been long overdue.
I think Trump just gave credit to the memers... "Some of you are really out there, bad, brilliant but bad..." ~not an exact quote but that was the gist.
lmao I will take it...
Twitter down again?
Was for a while, back again... I have a feeling this will be a new normal
@here Today’s mood <:pepoDIE:407708943821832205> <a:shit:498239489022492682> keep your friends close and enemies closer.
@everyone will be taking “applications” for some “new” moderators as we are going to be ramping up the server this weekend and giving it new life. Send me a dm if interested. <:trumpup:498239485377773581> <:maga:407708944501571584> <:autisticpepe:407708944493182977> <a:matrix:498239484132065301>
What does the role entail? And what's your mission operandi
Anyone know where Bellalu went?
Her acc is deleted. But is her twitter still up?
@Swedish Chef considering the fact trump has repeatedly talked about how hed be dating ivanka if she was not his daughter, id say its trump that corrupted it
@th3rmyte you got the sauce for that..?
Dude that video of him sayin it on tv live multiple times is everywhere
@numerif as soon as the server becomes more active so will the shills. And I would like to focus on Epstein and Hollywood some which last time brought some interesting people out of the woodworks..
oh that will bring out all the cockroaches....
Expect some upcoming announcements with new focuses.
But yeah they need to put epstein under the jail
Under it, huh?
Under the jail?
What’s your motive here?
Like burry him in the yard?
Good to see you @Deleted User