Message from @Basileus
Discord ID: 505626645173108736
everyone is a kike
every super power is run by kikes
there's nothing wrong with being retarded
I don't favor either side, so don't shoot the messenger, its a meme I found
I just find the financing of it really off
and besides only Stalin wasn't jewish, so you're saying the Russian Monarchy is jewish?
Look what came in the mail
as a fascist
i have to say
i'd ally with nazbols over hitlerites anytime
I am a Jucheist, but I believe that Nazbol can be a very useful tool for national liberation.
nice, Vassili
hey btw add me on my backup FB
Miss Le Murrican Bear.
And other ebin Ylilauta menes.
It seems Amerimutt completely took his place.
Der Happy Merchant was his greatest ally.