Message from @【IVSTINIANVS】

Discord ID: 507049772734218240

look at what happened in the 3rd century crisis, it would have just repeated itself

so yes arguably

if you consider them seperate entities they got weaker

but they werent

and thats what im trying to say

2018-10-31 04:32:51 UTC  

they did get weaker, hence the west fell quite soon after relatively speaking, the east survived, but that does that matter when half of the empire died so quickly compared to the other half

I think we're disagreeing over the wording

and not the actual facts

I'm saying it was a single entity, so it did not get weaker

you're considering them seperate entities

what i'm saying is

2018-10-31 04:33:44 UTC  

i am not actually, im considering the command structure as seperate.... as they were

Yes, but they were both technically

part of the same state

so they should be seen as one

It was still the Roman empire

2018-10-31 04:34:22 UTC  

same state, so what? they still had two independent armies

but with a different administrative heads

one being based in the east, so he can guard and govern the eastern provinces

and one in the west, to do the same

but both of them were heads of the Roman state

and saw themselves as being one entity

2018-10-31 04:35:06 UTC  

when the west was falling the east did not mobilize to help, but rather strengthened its own borders with the muslims

Uh what

one second

give me a second

Islam wasnt a thing till the 7th century

the Western Roman empire fell in the mid 5th

2018-10-31 04:35:51 UTC  

muslims, arabs, again, im using generic terms because im rusty with this shit

so I think your time line is skewed


the east actually tried to

2018-10-31 04:36:05 UTC  

im simply refering to the people in the ME

uh no

the eastern empire was fighting the parthians

and the Arabs

had not even gotten

into the middle east

they were in the Arabian peninsula

2018-10-31 04:36:38 UTC  

again, not my fucking point

2018-10-31 04:36:42 UTC  

its generic terms