Message from @BoogieKnight

Discord ID: 653055063060643862

2019-11-25 22:41:33 UTC  

fair enough

2019-11-25 22:41:46 UTC  

but the plasma racket is pretty exploitative

2019-11-25 22:41:58 UTC  

advocating it as a way to survive is bottom tier

2019-11-25 22:44:39 UTC  

Oh fuck no, yeah, you'd be better off doing any number of things. And the quality of the center really matters more than most would think. I've seen some that hire barely trained niggers that'll blow out several people's veins in a day, and they dont give a shit because they know there's going to be a steady stream of bums coming in even if they outright killed a few.

2019-11-25 23:05:32 UTC  

Heimbach would be better off giving 5 dollar blowjobs behind a shopping centre

2019-11-25 23:05:58 UTC  

@balaclavaman that seems overpriced

2019-11-25 23:06:02 UTC  

At this rate he should just abandon everything and do the Christian picolini

2019-11-25 23:06:21 UTC  

He’d get a book deal and some media coverage

2019-11-25 23:06:40 UTC  

And a few Ted Talks here and there

2019-11-25 23:06:56 UTC  

The money would be enough to keep him

2019-11-25 23:07:13 UTC  

@Hazzard ya lmao

2019-11-25 23:08:26 UTC  

Stormer have been cataloguing all this on their BBS

2019-11-25 23:08:35 UTC  

also digging into Heimbach's Satanic connections

2019-11-25 23:12:23 UTC  

If/when I get sacked, I might donate some plasma to pay the bills while I applied to other jobs. Heimbach on the other hand can't find work anywhere, so it's a last resort for him. If he wasn't so odious, there's a nice Taco Bell in Paoli that sells excellent chilli cheese burritos.

2019-11-27 14:52:18 UTC  

"There is nothing more important than family, and there is nothing worth sacrificing family for. In the long run, it doesn’t matter what any individual member of our society believes anyway, what matters is major trends, and you’re not going to cause any major trend shift by destroying relationships with your family."

2019-11-28 18:08:42 UTC  

My guilty pleasure is to check out expat thanksgivings at around 1am

2019-11-28 18:09:00 UTC  

Guaranteed fights and yelling. Lots of fun

2019-11-28 18:10:52 UTC  

I'm seeing a trend though. There are thanksgiving events and also "Thanksgivings 4 Democrats"

2019-12-08 02:04:20 UTC  

Flag this vid for hate speech

2019-12-08 02:07:40 UTC  


2019-12-08 02:22:43 UTC  

We don't cancel people just because they say things we don't like. We're not the left.

2019-12-08 02:36:58 UTC  

Hell, the dude probably got the idea for the name of his channel from AA. He's pulling Davis Aurini numbers and has no reach outside people like the new Switch owner getting offended and disseminating the content for mass flagging.

2019-12-11 00:02:19 UTC  

@mattforney reading that argument in bechtloffs server gave me aids

2019-12-11 00:02:46 UTC  

Does he just hate Catholics?

2019-12-11 00:03:08 UTC  

Every time he chimed in it was just about how all Catholics hate freedom

2019-12-11 00:03:58 UTC  

@balaclavaman I don't know why he's turning it into an interdenominational fight when the Baptist ironybros like Internet Gaming Hero are anti-porn too

2019-12-11 00:04:22 UTC  

if Bechtloff wants to debate this on his channel I'm down

2019-12-11 00:12:50 UTC  

I’m friends with some American prots and they are more authoritarian than I am

2019-12-11 00:13:01 UTC  

They’re Dixiecrats

2019-12-11 00:13:38 UTC  

They’d be down for a porn ban

2019-12-11 00:13:40 UTC  

when America was more Protestant it was MORE vigorous in combating moral degeneracy

2019-12-11 00:13:48 UTC  


2019-12-11 00:14:42 UTC  

And I’m not going to have some brony faggot in that server tell me I hate freedom because I think pornographers should hanged

2019-12-11 00:15:14 UTC  

and as I kept trying to say to those guys, the idea that porn is protected speech was invented in the 1970's by the Supreme Court

2019-12-11 00:15:36 UTC  

prior to that censorship of obscene material on the state and local level was common

2019-12-11 00:15:36 UTC  

They don’t care though

2019-12-11 00:15:52 UTC  

Bring back the Vice Squads

2019-12-11 00:16:24 UTC  

the reason the Hays Code was imposed by Hollywood was because New York and other states were creating film censorship boards and it was easier to self-regulate than to try and satisfy the laws of 50 different states

2019-12-11 00:16:48 UTC  

And Napoleon saying that the founding fathers would agree with him

2019-12-11 00:17:06 UTC  

Brethren instance