Message from @PitBull68

Discord ID: 482281647526641714

2018-08-23 17:01:07 UTC  

yup, so send them out, make them cause war with other cultures... thin them out, then take over as a sign of victory over those that cause so much problems in the world

2018-08-23 17:02:45 UTC  

cause the problem in order to be the hero

2018-08-23 17:04:44 UTC  

A little off topic but I just wanted to say with all these Hollywood pedos getting caught, obviously I'm glad tis happening and I dont idolize people or these sick freaks from Hollywood so when i hear about Tom Hanks and shit I just shrugg like most of you while the shepple wonder how could this be. I will say though the ONE celebrity i hope we dont find out is into this shit is Steve Carrell I really like that guy 😂

2018-08-23 17:07:52 UTC  

I'm sure we all have our personal favorites, what matters is that when the facts come out, we don't end up being shepple even if its someone we enjoyed.

2018-08-23 17:09:43 UTC  

Bill Maher, James Gunn, Weinstein what are they? Jews! NXIVM, who is behind it? The Bronfman, Edgar was actually called "king of the Jews" in Israel. Just google "Edgar Bronfman king of the jews"

2018-08-23 17:11:53 UTC  

To put it in words similar to how Q woulld say it. When does it become mathematically impossible to deny that we have a problem here?

2018-08-23 17:13:26 UTC  

yeah, we all just tiptoe around the subject because of ingrained PC culture.. but yeah, i hear you loud and clear

2018-08-23 17:14:20 UTC  

anyone can be evil... anyone... and to give that person a shield of any kind to hind behind is an injustice to the rest of human kind

2018-08-23 17:15:44 UTC  

and of course judges who have handlers are passing things that make zero sense... all in order to build outrage towards those individuals instead of administrating real justice

2018-08-23 17:15:58 UTC  

division tactics at the deepest levels.. ugh

2018-08-23 17:16:00 UTC  

Our indy media cant touch the subject. Censorship through SPLC(led by a guy called Cohen) and the ADL which was founded to protect pedophile Leo Frank.

2018-08-23 17:16:17 UTC  


2018-08-23 17:17:14 UTC  

gotta tip toe, paint the picture around them..... and let the circle shrink.. its all we can do without these groups coming in and claiming victim hood.

2018-08-23 17:21:58 UTC  

The problem is, circle around the subject is the cause why it doesn't end.

2018-08-23 17:26:09 UTC  

*sigh* too true

2018-08-23 19:06:45 UTC  

anyt news on rus. sub?

2018-08-23 19:07:46 UTC  

havent seen anything juicy.. we did get this:

2018-08-23 20:04:35 UTC  

Lol, we just talked about the issue, looks like they heard us. The Goyim know, shut it down!

2018-08-23 20:10:30 UTC  

damn lol what timing @svizzy

2018-08-23 20:15:05 UTC  

My sympathies go out to all of the family members, friends, clergy, community, and all of the personal time and effort of each and every person gave searching for Mollie Tibbetts. As a lifelong Iowan, I will never forget or forgive the #Democrat party that has continued to do NOTHING on illegal immigration! The Democrats have had blood on their hands for years, but this hits way to close to home and I am way past angry! The #Democrats should never be in control of this country EVER AGAIN!

2018-08-23 21:08:12 UTC  

They also killed JFK and RFK. JFK was about to expose the "Apollo Affair". Israelis diverted Urainum from Pennsylvania to Israel. JFK wanted to inspect their facilities. Israel PM stalled for a long a long time and even resigned to further stall the inspection. Then boom, JFK is dead and nobody even talks about the "Apollo Affair" anymore. Later Bobby tried to ban foreigners/dual citizens from Government and Lobbying, he dead shortly after.

2018-08-23 23:40:57 UTC  

alot of articles posted on gab by this person
but i find it odd they think sessions isn't doing his job, he is but he's doing it in the shadows while rr gets the msm's attention and gets drilled and exposed by congress and senate
session only recused himself from the mueller probe, not the whole doj job

2018-08-24 00:35:09 UTC  

What REALLY is going on

2018-08-24 00:47:21 UTC  

@GG - Thanks GG... great positive data point post!

2018-08-24 00:48:28 UTC  

We all needed this I thought 🙏🏻

2018-08-24 01:01:08 UTC  

19:00 -28:10 - very 💪

2018-08-24 02:53:17 UTC  


2018-08-24 02:53:29 UTC  

what are we doing?

2018-08-24 02:53:56 UTC

2018-08-24 04:05:19 UTC  

meme to convince the safe space generation that Q is protecting them from evil

2018-08-24 04:33:31 UTC