Message from @skikity
Discord ID: 484538849830371340
I have a history book from like 10 years ago that's it
I bet it's something to do with the US trying to make our role look diminished or something
If I had to take a blank stab at it I would say what started WW1... and the build up afterwards via 1933-1938 prior to ww2. Hold on a second - have something that may help
Ya leave the lusitania out of it
maybe try to make the nazi regime have some kind of victumhood... mention how many German military died... est...
or state that it was their religion that pushed them to extreamisum (catholic/christian)
@Bleezer - start with Dr. Sutton... then expand your research from there.... Lawyers, Guns, and Money.
and a Petition not associated but in line with the campaign Protect Free Speech in the Digital Public Square. Please, SIGN and RT:
Looks like Bill Clinton also did a dealing with the chinese. Guns smuggled to go to gangs?!! Wtf
man, swampy is causing division for no reason other then to validate his religious standpoint.... like this is a WW thing and someone from fkn india may not be christian or catholic but may believe in the cause
if he wants to pull the religion card, do it after all the news is out and things are no longer arguable.... now is not a good time to segregate people from the WW cause
Because I pointed out he was causing division with overzealous religious redirect against someone who is trying to provide their own guiding light to fight evil the way they k ow how... This is worrisome
" the financial irregularities are related to certain moral irregularities"....
@Desimated - I was taught a long time ago never to talk about religion or politics. Obviously, "I never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Twain. Nerves are raw and "extra attention" sometimes brings out different elements of a personality. Is what it is... "The people that matter don't mind and the people that mind don't matter." - Seuss
I got kicked off QNN... idk how to get back on. I listen to u and qnn. Ur my favorite. Can u help me!
find other servers, qnn isn't the answer to all ur Q needs
Asking for help: Please get this posted and attached to the link I will paste below. I have been totally disabled on Twatter
@Irshmun just sucks because I enjoyed their information drops, and as soon as I state to them that they're promoting division that they should re-evalute their reaction and method of communication I get banned... Differences in this movement improves out effectiveness and our unity and ability to stand together spite those differences is our strength
Russia defeated the nazis
Hardly anybody knows this but it was common knowledge during and immediately after
Ww2 history is a shitshow
But that stretches back far more than 30 years
Therefore Q is being specific
Either that or he is just drawing attention to manipulation of education material
ww2 did happen...but the reasons behind it are sketchy
but Q is drawing attention to the fact that history is being changed so we don't know the whole truth
But ww2 history was being twisted before it even finished
And the basic narrative was eatablished
What has changed in thirty years...
I know the number of alleged jewish holocaust victims changed a few times before arrivinf at the fake 6 million figure