Message from @iamli3

Discord ID: 489619713668939780

2018-09-13 01:24:54 UTC  

Lol @Shadow Poet how original

2018-09-13 01:31:48 UTC  

@Shadow Poet and actually that WAS original, everyone else quotes the same “I am your father” line, so well done! Lol

2018-09-13 01:36:54 UTC  

I expected you to start saying the lines

2018-09-13 01:37:21 UTC  

So, does a Sessions Anti Trust investigation of Mega Tech and Soc Media... eventually lead to RICO too?

2018-09-13 01:39:48 UTC  

Not a lawyer, so don't know if it fits the legal definition. But there is most certainly coordination of big tech

2018-09-13 01:43:51 UTC  


2018-09-13 01:44:00 UTC  

@Shadow Poet I love the movies, don’t get me wrong, but never memorized the lines lol

2018-09-13 01:44:15 UTC  

Do you really think redit cared there was a forum for Q on it's platform? I seriously doubt they cared. It was shutdown from outside pressure, probably from the web host.

2018-09-13 01:45:19 UTC  

Just like what Microsoft tried to do to Gab

2018-09-13 01:48:05 UTC  

Agreed. On that note... I know somebody that DOES care about a Q forum... his name is Dustin Nemos. He wants to make sure that everybody @here has a platform to build from when/if Discord ever goes down... Ground Level... and you are invited.

2018-09-13 01:49:00 UTC  

You mean what the DeepState did through it’s subsidiary the CIA which did through their subsidiaries Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, and somehow Beyoncé but I’m still trying to make that last ones dots line up lol

2018-09-13 01:54:37 UTC  

Well funny you should ask about Lady B and Hay Z's Boule connections.

2018-09-13 01:56:54 UTC  

Oh yeah? Like, above and beyond the Illuminati?

2018-09-13 02:07:09 UTC  

You should check it out... Q likes us all to do a little digging on our own.

2018-09-13 02:09:29 UTC  

Once I get past this last semester of accounting school I’ll have time for more than just comments here and listening to the Q channels while I study. I hate life right now lol @Irshmun

2018-09-13 02:09:47 UTC  

<#419210947866132500> Updated Q

2018-09-13 02:12:02 UTC

2018-09-13 02:12:39 UTC  

@Irshmun does that make me a trusted member as dustin said then?...

2018-09-13 02:13:56 UTC  

@LukeAG Also in school for finance and trying to follow Q haha

2018-09-13 02:13:56 UTC  

@LukeAG >Oh yeah? Like, above and beyond the Illuminati?

what are you referring to specifically? cause i am illuminati myself....

2018-09-13 02:14:19 UTC  

You have been watching a movie for 40 + years.

2018-09-13 02:14:50 UTC  

Thanks for all the work y’all do in here to keep us updated! @Malikstotle

2018-09-13 02:15:31 UTC  

@Deleted User nice! This is my last semester (if I pass the motherfreaking classes!!!) I’ve got senioritis something fierce!!! Lol

2018-09-13 02:16:54 UTC  

Trust is like a house, it’s built brick by brick, day by day, on a solid foundation.

2018-09-13 02:17:59 UTC  

@iamli3 I honestly have no desire to explain a joke about the Illuminati. Anyone with eyes open knows the hollyweird/music industry is a members only club if you want to reach the top. But again, was just a joke to add the real point I was making in joke form

2018-09-13 02:20:56 UTC  

Maybe I just continue to mistake your tone or intentions @iamli3 but you seem rather contentious and that’s not my style. I came in here to support and be involved with patriots and have folks to shoot the sh$t with without fear of offending sensitive snowflakes... I’d rather not argue over personal bs and pointless d$ck measuring contests

2018-09-13 02:21:41 UTC  


2018-09-13 02:27:05 UTC  

@Shadow Poet something i forgot i should have emphasized about the liberty thing , the latin of the word for liberty is "liber" , which is also the same word they used for the term "library" , because in their time the library was the place of knowledge , and they understood you needed to posses the correct knowledge of truth if you wanted liberty.....

2018-09-13 02:29:40 UTC  

@LukeAG I blocked that fool alrdy he looking for attention wherever he can get it

2018-09-13 02:31:21 UTC  

@Bleezer I’ve only been here for an hour and I can see the same thing

2018-09-13 02:34:11 UTC  

@LukeAG >I honestly have no desire to explain a joke about the Illuminati.

oh it was a joke?...

>Maybe I just continue to mistake your tone or intentions @iamli3

happens to me on a regular basis...

>but you seem rather contentious and that’s not my style.

i never wanted to argue with anyone here but you read my explanation of what has happened since i got here i didn't ask to be accused of shilling told to leave the group and getting a ban warning for something i did not understand when i was talking to another user....

>I came in here to support and be involved with patriots and have folks to shoot the sh$t with


>without fear of offending sensitive snowflakes...

too late for me on that part as i already seem to have offended everyone here.....

2018-09-13 02:37:52 UTC  

I've been here for months and came to the same conclusion 😂

2018-09-13 02:44:06 UTC  

@iamli3 With respect, if this is a common occurrence for you, than why not change your approach?

2018-09-13 02:46:16 UTC  

@That_Guy what would you suggest? i've only tried to truthfully answer the questions asked me of when i wasn't having random conversations with other users , that i was given a ban strike for by another user and then accused of seeking attention by @Bleezer above just now for talking to another user , in a public forum , gee who would have guessed....

2018-09-13 02:46:52 UTC  

Nobody here has anything to hide, therefore you can trust that people are being honest. If more than 2 people say the same thing, than maybe this could be beneficial to your. After all, you just want people to understand you right? You can't change people, just yourself.

2018-09-13 02:48:16 UTC  

@That_Guy sorry i can't make everyone i ever meet like me...

2018-09-13 02:50:01 UTC  

My suggestion is to call it a day and start tomorrow fresh. Just take into consideration what people are saying, don't be offended and make an effort to transmit your information in a different way. Nobody can make anybody do anything, its the thing about free will. Sometimes humility goes a long way.

2018-09-13 02:50:31 UTC  

@That_Guy never was i offended , you can't offend me , the issue is everyone else was offended by me

2018-09-13 02:51:49 UTC  

You're not expected to befriend everyone, the point is to find pertinent information and to present it a way that we can all understand.

2018-09-13 02:53:38 UTC  

@That_Guy well i have my videos i've already made , and @Irshmun just said that "Dustin Nemos. He wants to make sure that everybody @here has a platform to build from when/if Discord ever goes down... Ground Level... and you are invited. "

and i asked "does that make me a trusted member as dustin said then?..." with no response...