Message from @shadra

Discord ID: 505593703902085120

2018-10-27 02:06:26 UTC  

and the arrest was in fact in plantation, florida

2018-10-27 02:07:36 UTC  

the 2nd reason was given enough time for the anons and everybody following q to decode all this ff bs to finally realize the bombs are a joke ff with no real money behind it

2018-10-27 02:09:10 UTC  

3 - they made adjustments to the info on the van so it focuses on 8chan in fbi hands, previous pics of it didn't have any chan references

2018-10-27 02:09:46 UTC  

8chan/4chan ...mostly /pol/ crap

2018-10-27 02:10:10 UTC  

which is lefty/shill/ds-cabal controlled narrative

2018-10-27 02:31:36 UTC  

And poof, demo becomes repub??

2018-10-27 02:33:53 UTC  

This is good. First part about ā€œ caravan ā€œ ā˜ļø Judicial Watch sent a team there, Sara Carter is there.

2018-10-27 03:18:41 UTC  

Tom Fitton/JW rocks. He is saying that if this "caravan" reaches the border they are IN no matter what due to current asylum law. Alternative is to gain permission from Mexico gov to allow US military to penetrate into Mexico to head this insurgence off before they can get to US border. Otherwise we are lost...

2018-10-27 03:24:34 UTC  

I donā€™t even know what to say...this is so over the top

ā€˜Love has no boundariesā€™: Same-sex penguins become perfect parents for baby chick

2018-10-27 03:43:33 UTC  

even with chemical/bio poisoning, even mother nature finds a way to make other species still nurture their young

2018-10-27 03:57:21 UTC  

anyway...back to the ff event

2018-10-27 03:57:23 UTC  

the whole 'bomb deliveries' event was a ff...but not for the rest of us, it was for those still not redpilled yet
news chopper following the van going from autozone in township of plantation to fbi branch office...airs on most if not all news networks....then cuts to potus speech at black conservatives convention - symbolizing to the non red pilled that leaving the plantation isn't the end, it's to expose the farce of the dems
also it's free ad space for 8chan to the general public
van happened to be seen with different stickers around the area, but non had 8chan stickers on it til today
news agencies trying to figure out the changes in the stickers from before today

2018-10-27 04:01:24 UTC  

MUTINY: FBI Agent Leak That ā€œNo Explosive Material Was Found In Devicesā€ Is Public Disclosure Of Shadow Government False Flag Psy-Op
Itā€™s looking more and more evident that Operation:Reichstag encompasses all former targets of DEEP STATE INVESTIGATIONS from Orlando to Vegas with this ā€œbomberā€ being no stranger to law enforcement.
That was key evidence but letā€™s not forget the fact that if this guy was so dangerous and these werenā€™t HOAX DEVICES, why wasnā€™t the OP conducted in the middle of the night after placing surveillance on him for 24 hours?

2018-10-27 04:03:06 UTC  

What was the hurry Director Wray because you canā€™t have it both ways claiming he was an immediate threat to the public yet place surveillance on him for 24 hours only to conveniently apprehend him and the evidence in broad daylight with the camera rolling but you send in SWAT to raid Manafort for white collar crimes under the cover of darkness.....

We own the night not just because it creates the optimal conditions for the element of surprise, the majority of operations are conducted at night to limit collateral damage.

2018-10-27 04:06:25 UTC  

Chango presto

2018-10-27 04:06:56 UTC  

How did those NEWS CHOPPERS know where to go?
This was supposed to be the highest priority, HIGHLY CLASSIFIED, with every agency pulling doubles yet somehow all of this leaked seamlessly to allow a key piece of evidence to be captured on film.

2018-10-27 04:07:21 UTC  

13 packages with no explosive agents was by design and allowed to transpire for political expediency with Obamaā€™s SHADOW GOVERNMENT OPERATIVES faithfully guaranteeing no crisis goes to waste.
Why else would they conduct surveillance on him for 24 hours almost as if they were waiting for the last 2 devices to be delivered for maximum effect before apprehension but then again, how these packages magically arrived at their designated hubs for distribution and delivery over a thousand miles away seems to be just as suspicious and controversial.

2018-10-27 04:07:57 UTC  

I want to see the CCTV footage of this lifelong NY state drug peddling DEMOCRAT mailing 13 packages from the only Post Office in Plantation, Florida.
This man was no Christian Conservative Republican which is exactly why this was allowed to transpire knowing his rolling billboard of a VAN wouldā€™ve been a MEME by now especially being so close to Miami.
Those stickers looked awfully new considering summer just passed, how were they not faded in the least bit considering itā€™s the sunshine state and all...

2018-10-27 04:08:27 UTC  

I even predicted that the perpetrator or patsy would be a small business owner to check off the GLOBALIST AGENDA IDEOLOGY.
I fear this President is either being advised to allow these manufactured scenarios to play out politically first so he is seen as not being dictatorial before the midterms by imprisoning political opposition knowing it will only galvanize The Resistanceā€™s target electorate of moderates and independents.
The ESTABLISHMENT knows United We Stand, Divided This Administration falls and so does President Trump.

2018-10-27 04:08:52 UTC  

The President is being advised and guided spiritually to exhaust all avenues, politically and legallly before dropping the hammer as an emulsifier to create a more cohesive country united against these subversive operatives known as The Resistance.This DOMESTIC TERRORIST CONSORTIUM of activist groups will NEVER allow America to UNITE as We The People as long as this Administration is in power.

2018-10-27 04:11:40 UTC  
2018-10-27 04:38:13 UTC  

gg, u need access to more red pill servers

2018-10-27 04:38:47 UTC  

also the website that it uses as a source can be edited by any other user

2018-10-27 05:24:25 UTC  

Broward County with the recount of Bush v Gore

2018-10-27 05:24:30 UTC  

So much with this corrupt county

2018-10-27 05:54:06 UTC  

Man, everyone, I'm one of those Clairvoyant-anon fags

2018-10-27 05:54:14 UTC  

I've had serious spikes of awarenes

2018-10-27 05:54:23 UTC  

the world feels like its waking up

2018-10-27 05:55:42 UTC  

here's something ull like

2018-10-27 07:01:58 UTC  

to those still in panic mode of no Q posts or weird ff events of late -

2018-10-27 07:58:31 UTC