Message from @Springjack
Discord ID: 506250785261355018
because they didnt fall in line
Shouldn’t happen tho
Tbh idk what they shut em down for specifically.... I’ve tried to get attached to gab but it’s just not there yet imo
ya its pretty small. IDK man they posted the several warnings from microsoft and the notice that they were having their hosting removed
i dont use it at all or any social media but i know that if your hosting is removed you are kind of SOL
Check this time lapse of San Gorgonio Peak in the San Bernardino Mountains in SoCal; the chemtrail operation lately has been a 24x7 operation with a lot of nighttime spraying; the Air Force is working overtime it seems to push the global warming agenda and to control the weather:
This MUST stop and is also disconcerting that Trump's EPA appointment being from Monsanto; I hope he's just doing that to learn what the enemy is up to, but I unfortunately somehow doubt that, and Trump has allowed logging of old growth forests/trees in California and expanded oil drilling offshore. This is on top of Governor's Brown ok'ing of 20K more fracking/drilling within CA...
Let's just hope the US truly gets rebooted on 11/11 as it seems Q is forecasting...
My thoughts on hate speech coming soon. Vid done cut up all inserts complete just gotta merge.
May publish tonight
What’s your channel ? Lol people in U.K. arrested daily minimum 9 I believe for hate speech but I think criticism of Islam is now illegal so that’s going to go up fast
This is HUGE ! BOOM!
Interesting video
Here's the codes to search in
Here's a count of how many times each user ID was used for Q posts:
2 AZhJ37bn
3 GVUvg1M7
5 KC17sSpZ
9 L8quGPI9
5 NOjYqEdl
6 WBXFv1gl
7 cS8cMPVQ
20 grTMpzrL
10 hHkrVD7x
11 pGukiFmX
3 s4Iv8TW8
15 v3eCc2tY
11 zGyR4tyi
Just look at this one for example; pretty wild:
Alice's Bloody Adventures in Wonderland
Restoring the Republic: A Clear, Concise, and Colorful Blueprint for...
The Post-American World: Release 2.0
Lottery Rose
Secretly Secured
Fly, Eagle, Fly: An African Tale
Sacrificial Sex includes:
Washington Diplomacy: Profiles of People of World Influence
The Hinckley Family includes:
United States Constitutional History and Law
oh; never mind
I see why
It's because Q anons reviewed those books...
Interesting nonetheless
User Review - Flag as inappropriate
Q sent me
That's why...
Makes more sense now; that video did seem a bit over-the-top/conspiratorial...
All she had to do was just click on one of the book search results to see why... Not very good research on her part, unless that was intentional to get clicks/likes, etc.
the jew shooting happend to distract us from the migrant invasion of 14k
Ya i bought and read the spinning magnet thats one of the books in the Q codes for the ISBN numbers or whaterver
it was really good
ya except it didnt distract us really. Maybe the NPCs
The mexican police have stopped them and their military is rumored to be there too. Not to mention our military at the border. A bunch of hungry diseased men arent really going to stand a chance
@qaon not cool; you sound like a deep state troll with such talk
Let's stay focused on the actual issue at hand. Here's something we can actually work towards together to make this world a better place:
i've had a gab account for two years, love it for the people not the tech, a damn sight better than twatter