Message from @One soul me

Discord ID: 509597629043179540

2018-11-07 04:49:29 UTC  

it's lower east coast shoreline

2018-11-07 04:49:56 UTC  

101.49% reporting

2018-11-07 04:51:39 UTC  

next to it , district 9

2018-11-07 04:52:09 UTC  

103.54% reporting

2018-11-07 04:52:18 UTC  

can u see the corruption

2018-11-07 04:52:33 UTC  

it's supposed to be 100% max

2018-11-07 04:55:10 UTC  

Thought it when voting on long island ny they didnt ask us for any id. I offered my license and they said we didnt need it.

2018-11-07 05:00:18 UTC  

Did you report that @mgoray59?

2018-11-07 05:03:10 UTC  

u shoulda reported it

2018-11-07 05:03:22 UTC  

call the .gov number

2018-11-07 05:03:30 UTC  

not the local number

2018-11-07 05:10:03 UTC  

POTUS tweet says it was a tremendous success ... What does he mean? Sealed indictments?

2018-11-07 05:11:42 UTC  

I feel that though it seems like we where expect to just total decimated the Dems, that the real goal was to prevent a blue majority with all the shit press from the MSM

2018-11-07 05:13:21 UTC  

So what we are seeing, is easey what the goal was... The waves equalling each other out and showcasing that it's a fair vote and both sides have a voice.... This could be a key thing to prevent civil discourse

2018-11-07 05:14:50 UTC  

I believe the election was rigged

2018-11-07 05:15:45 UTC  

Yeah, now when the indictments are unsealed, maybe they will be perp walked right out down the capitol steps...😎

2018-11-07 05:17:29 UTC  

etc. etc.

2018-11-07 05:17:38 UTC  

that would be something!!!

2018-11-07 05:17:41 UTC  

Yup, bringing down the house, make those seats void

2018-11-07 05:18:20 UTC  

Then special election, and flip

2018-11-07 05:19:02 UTC  

I hope that's the plan - every voter has a right of free choice , but the "elected" ones are very bad guys...

2018-11-07 05:19:31 UTC  

You mean the pre selected ones right?

2018-11-07 05:19:48 UTC  

yes, pre selected ones

2018-11-07 05:19:59 UTC  


2018-11-07 05:20:04 UTC  


2018-11-07 05:20:27 UTC  


2018-11-07 05:20:38 UTC  

Looking forward to Q drops tomorrow :3

2018-11-07 05:20:50 UTC  

I really, really hope this was part of the plan Q

2018-11-07 05:21:09 UTC  


2018-11-07 05:21:16 UTC  

Would be nice to see the gloves come off now that this will be behind us and will remove some uncertainty

2018-11-07 05:21:33 UTC  

Moves and counter moves

2018-11-07 05:21:33 UTC  

Yes it would @Desimated

2018-11-07 05:21:53 UTC  

can't wait plan to unleash...

2018-11-07 05:22:06 UTC  

Nothing will stop what's coming... Nothing

2018-11-07 05:22:43 UTC  

Not even a none majority red Senate

2018-11-07 05:22:52 UTC  

and nobody...

2018-11-07 05:23:12 UTC  

Gotta say, t'nites results not even close to the way I thought it would go...

2018-11-07 05:23:20 UTC  

Yup, and there is still lots of seats pending

2018-11-07 05:23:52 UTC  

Did you think massive control? @TxnPat4evr 🇨🇱

2018-11-07 05:23:55 UTC  

I hope the pending ones not going to be filled with blue