Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 510956953938296842

2018-11-10 21:42:52 UTC  

Possibly @Irshmun 👌 he seems very important but is he a public figure ?

2018-11-10 21:43:26 UTC  

He was Secretary of State at one time.

2018-11-10 21:44:15 UTC  

Can you give me a bit more background on who and what... just saw bits.

2018-11-10 21:47:15 UTC  

I only heard the name mate as a very important bloodline im going through videos to try find it .. but seeing that name DWS so much makes her seem more important than her role if she is part of this same family bloodline .. but usually there family’s are not on show so it’s a hard one

2018-11-10 21:48:12 UTC  

Yes it’s him @Irshmun 👌 George Schultz

2018-11-10 21:56:17 UTC  

He has signed this @Irshmun I would guess that’s to scare people in U.K. to do as they say also .. I don’t know he deep his power is but these people are huge in the 2008 economy crash

2018-11-10 22:00:28 UTC  

It was not for Brexit reasons I was looking at the name its more to connect it to DWS but seems clear .. just come across that quickly searching him

2018-11-10 22:21:35 UTC  

Good article @Irshmun thanks well that confirms him 👌 .. i tryed to see if there’s a connection with him and DWS but struggling .. but I have no doubts he is a huge player on the bad side of this .. the list in the Brexit chat is all names who where behind 2008 economy crash so i would think all are deep state just hard to know fully how deep in they are

2018-11-10 22:55:23 UTC  

@SirW00f - that flat earth crisis actor vid up there... be careful what we perpetuate folks... - take a close look at the women and their noses... one button and one hook.

2018-11-10 23:12:08 UTC  

M. the idea is to expose the crisis actors

2018-11-10 23:13:59 UTC  

i'm surprised u didn't notice this in the nemos updates channel -

2018-11-10 23:16:02 UTC  

Absolutely... totally get it. - I've seen the grant paperwork and applications for the actors am familiar. Just pointing out the difference in the two.

2018-11-10 23:17:46 UTC  

so many actors and actresses; the big the fat and the ugly, oh and the cold and the beautiful

2018-11-10 23:18:56 UTC  

della, i don't use the actress term....they're all actors imo

2018-11-10 23:19:30 UTC  

besides...if u remove the 'gender' reference u keep the libtards off ur back

2018-11-10 23:19:39 UTC  

while red pilling them

2018-11-10 23:20:30 UTC  

most of the 'bad actors' are gender fluid ...which means they're omni-sexual

2018-11-10 23:20:34 UTC  

so perhaps someone here might offer an informed comment

2018-11-10 23:21:11 UTC  

Q(u). Were the fire prevention practices in Ca really wound down chronically?

2018-11-10 23:23:23 UTC  

Do Ca managers really think that this gives them a free handout for an env. emergency?

2018-11-10 23:23:26 UTC  


2018-11-10 23:23:47 UTC  

and then what would they do with the handed out funds ??

2018-11-10 23:24:50 UTC  

well with the increase in questionable 'wild' fires in calif , i'm pretty sure the insurance co's are going nuts with shutting down those areas for coverage

2018-11-10 23:26:57 UTC  

well seems to me that statistically at least, the fires in Ca are far outside the standard deviation curve

2018-11-10 23:27:30 UTC  

iow mathematically beyond co-incidence by the usual means

2018-11-10 23:44:22 UTC  

Back b4 lots started getting scrubbed there was grant money for companies like this one that could be applied for during the prev administration... would have to go into the archives to see if I saved any of the links/paperwork. (hold on... somebody already posted this one here didn't they? Sorry.)

2018-11-10 23:56:10 UTC  

@della4 - in the states it is a use it or lose it scenario... if A Gov has a chance to declare a "natural disaster" a state of emergency and doesn't do it... then the Federal money doesn't come. If they do (as you often see prior to a storm making land fall) then when the disaster hits the Federal dollars to assist with restoring utilities, transportation, emergency services etc. kicks in. Use it or lose the chance.... CA is using it like a friggin ATM because they are broke with all of the goody bag give aways to everybody with a pulse... CA is broke. They want Sanctuary status - but don't want to give up the Federal piggy Bank... so they become "forgetful" with fire prevention services.... PLUS Malibu real estate is some of the most posh in the country... HUGE $$$.

2018-11-11 00:12:02 UTC  

well calif can keep up the bs of the wildfires....potus will eventually declare martial law there....guess what that means....the state gov is no longer in power at that point

2018-11-11 01:44:56 UTC  

@M. tell Ca I suggest a reverse sessesion. Let America expel them and they can generate their own internal financial resources

2018-11-11 01:45:44 UTC  

Now let's round this off a little. ALl good and responsible folk who like to contribute and dissaprove of being made broke by their governing black hats can leave

2018-11-11 01:46:13 UTC  

and shift to a better life, in the US.A. which will still have 49 stars left, at that point

2018-11-11 01:46:34 UTC  

the exit stage right started already. They can join the 'caravan'

2018-11-11 01:47:12 UTC  

and Ca will indeed be special; specially broke and living with the fame of Hollywood in their new country

2018-11-11 01:47:40 UTC  

but then they'll have to shift the wall I suppose

2018-11-11 01:48:43 UTC  

PLUS Malibu real estate is some of the most posh in the country... HUGE $$$.; for now