Message from @Springjack
Discord ID: 511252054568599562
Yes, Idaho. We burn here too...
We're paying them with our tax money to kill us; amazing...
every time i try to build an energy weapon after i got out of the navy, my family kept destroying or scrapping it on me when i'm at work
@Springjack It occurs to me that you and I are doing this all wrong. Aren't we supposed to be screaming at each other and calling names by now? You do not think EXACTLY like I want you to... You must be racist... 😉
was working on a naser prototype
The Air Force is behind the geoengineering operation for sure; how sad.
That is a joke, My winky emoji did not work...
it was winking
just the animated one didn't work
Did you know Raytheon provides the weather models to the National Weather Service? Exclusively.
OK, it showed up on my screen as a question mark
It's war on us/on this planet, and they're making billions of dollars in the process. And coal factories make a killing selling their coal fly ash to the government instead of having to spend money to properly dispose of it.
Every heard of "suspicious0bservers" on youtube? A very different kind of weatherman...
And is processed by companies like American Elements to aerosolize the constituent geoengineering parts such as aluminum, barium, and strontium; all found in coal fly ash.
Yep; suspicious has an interesting channel/perspective, although doesn't delve that much into geoengineering; could be a deep state shill to some extent in that regard.
The highest level connection I have says that metal chaff also makes it so they can track people anywhere, even in the wilderness. They can tell where it gets disturbed from satellites.
I went to a SO conference, I do not think he is shilling. I think he is TRYING to keep his message from extra censorship. Being an electric universe proponent is already a tough row to hoe.
Yeah, I like dutchsinse too, but I wish he would do shorter videos lol!
Aluminum is also combustible and is why fires are burning out of control, and why autism and Alzheimer's is skyrocketing besides from aluminum found in vaccines.
And aluminum particulates are used to steer storms and such with HAARP and microwave transmitters.
And HAARP is one of the things S0 can't seem to get his head around. I do not expect everyone to dig to the bottom of every bunny hole, I just want people to DIG, at least challenge the official narrative.
And acts as a desiccant to dry up storms and creates a cap inversion layer and thereby prevents lift in the atmosphere. That's why chemtrails are sprayed above the storms and in advance of storms. For rain, you need two components; moisture and lift, and aluminum prevents both.
And manufactured high pressure systems steer storms to the north, which ultimately results in the melting of the arctic, which opens up shipping channels and opens up for oil/gas/mineral drilling/mining.
And billions are made trading weather derivatives and commodities, and Monsanto makes a killing selling their drought resistant and aluminum resistant (yes; they have a patent on that) seeds.
It's all spelled out in Agenda 2030, used to be 21 until POTUS came along...
For HAARP, check out Jim Lee (of climateviewer) and The HAARP Report on Youtube; both incredible resources.
The Freiburg gang rape in numbers - InfoMigrants
“ sexual crimes within Freiburg city did go up by 24,6 percent. But this rise is partly due, say the police, to a change in the classification of certain crimes of a sexual nature. Crimes that may have previously been filed under other categories, for example violent crimes, are now all brought under the sexual crime umbrella when they have a sexual aspect to them.
In fact, the police have broken those statistics down still further because of this change in the definition of some crimes. Based on 2016’s original definition of sexual crime, the numbers fell: from 138 in 2016 compared to 118 in 2017. But because 54 crimes are now included in this category as well, the overall numbers went up from 138 to 172 in total, of which 121 were solved.” reported vs unreported ?
Agenda 21 still exists; it's at the local level; Agenda 2030 is nation-wide.
Watch grindall61 for more on that; he does a great job covering Agenda 21 policies and such in California
And for 5G concerns and such, check out the Fullerton Informer
Today is huge for awakening it seems as Q promised; the 11th. Should be an interesting week...
I seen a article today France has a zero age for sexual consent now
We already know the Podesta brothers have sealed indictments ready to be unsealed; can't wait to see the rest, including 10K+ in California alone.
Getting the popcorn ready now...