Message from @Bleezer

Discord ID: 512734683763703829

2018-11-15 19:37:54 UTC  

I just read this article and it’s really really disturbing. Is there an explanation for this? I so hope so!

2018-11-15 19:52:31 UTC  

I'll have to do a read though, but it might be a temporary freedom before the hammer falls...

2018-11-15 19:56:11 UTC  

thats hella old btw, January 11, 2018

2018-11-15 19:56:27 UTC  

done in christmas of last year

2018-11-15 19:59:19 UTC  

@GrammaDi ... let's take a big breath

2018-11-15 19:59:29 UTC  

Let's research Rachel Blevins and see her agenda

2018-11-15 19:59:47 UTC  

RT News

2018-11-15 20:09:55 UTC  

Icke looks controlled mate @Desimated .. until he at least mentions Q i will not be able to take him serious .. he has done amazing stuff with his books on deep state and I’m sure he does know more than most on this stuff .. he always says trump is controlled by Israel by the Israel guy was I believe his biggest funder in election but other than that he has nothing .. and in the U.K. you can’t really mention his name to a sheep or they think you need to go to mental hospital lol they only remember his tv interview that ruined him back then .. I don’t read books but if they are what he says then he is exposing a lot .. but his ignorance to trump and Q is annoying in my opinion he needs to get that all out soon or people will stop following him

2018-11-15 20:23:37 UTC  

Maybe the depth he has studied deep state at he sees them as a true unstoppable force and sticks by that .. or maybe he is not mentioning Q for having a new book out but it’s certainly something he should have mentioned by now even just his opinion but my guess would be he sees it as a fake movement with more political left / right division and can’t be fucked with the backlash if he sayd that .. but he has never had much trouble in life for his strong views on the most powerful

2018-11-15 20:29:46 UTC  

Scott recuses. Bondi sitting on hands. Obama judicial appointees running rings round the law. US midterms look like a big republican stand down to me. GOP cucked up. We've had loads of Q BOOMS but no clean up, no action, just memory holed. Looking more like a containment op to me rather than a restoration of 'the republic.' Checked Q meme drop. NOT ONE folder/meme/infographic re Israel/Khazars/Edomites/Zionists. Hi Herzliya/Tel laughing?...HI Riggy...can we eject May from a space shuttle like in Alien?

2018-11-15 20:38:24 UTC  

Hey @norm hope your good 👍 .. i give up on Brexit for now that is a crazy show at the minute is it 🤣 maybe all them can fuck off in there alien ships and give us back our power 🙈 .. what you mean on the Zionist stuff there ?

2018-11-15 20:39:26 UTC  

@norm, I feel ya' - the cops letting US citizens get rocks tossed at them by invaders swarming the fence... We have lost control of our southern border WITHOUT A FIGHT. Not pleased, not pleased at all.

2018-11-15 20:39:27 UTC  

Q has nothing on any of these ?

2018-11-15 20:40:13 UTC  

@fishyculture that video you put up looks like Mexico can only take so much more powerful video 👍

2018-11-15 20:44:19 UTC  

Well, I thought it was from Paloma, California but I think you are right. I guess that is good news... I will take what I can get.

2018-11-15 20:48:42 UTC  

I have seen videos at the border and it looks like no patrol was there ? Only 1 MSM news team and 1 alt media on a video i seen looked easy once you hit that wall to get in .. this should have been used as an example i think .. Mexicans probably will riot with them will they if there side is getting hit badly for now ? Police doing nothing

2018-11-15 20:49:08 UTC  

I will call this good news too, although I worry about Tom Fitton shooting himself in the back of the head three or four times...

2018-11-15 20:51:28 UTC  

It seems Tom Fitton has had a higher profile in the public arena with Judicial watch for some years. Perhaps he is less likely to be suicided. 🙏

2018-11-15 20:54:56 UTC  

I hope he is taking precautions. Desperate people do desperate things.

2018-11-15 21:04:34 UTC  

Tom fitton has armed security at all times and I believe I read somewhere he actually uses blackwater

2018-11-15 21:14:38 UTC  

Would anyone object if a Canadian room was created? I am coming across more info and would like to ask MamaLana for a separate space for it. There are elections coming up provincially and federally and it seems PM Trudeau is ramping things up behind the scenes.

2018-11-15 21:16:13 UTC  

Blackwater?! That is hiring the fox to guard your henhouse...

2018-11-15 21:23:01 UTC  
2018-11-15 21:26:10 UTC  

Scotland youtuber who was took to court for teach his dog to do Nazi salute if anyone’s not seen him .. kind of a enemy of the state in the making .. and is part of a political party now .. he was only trying to do comedy before his crazy case on freedom sent him down this route 🧐

2018-11-15 21:45:15 UTC  

I'll give you one reason why my scepticism is growing. Miles Mathis suggests that Marx/Engels' main task was to keep the grassroots working class under command and control on behalf of the Roths which is why Marx was always going on about the timing not being quite right for this or that action....iow suspend direct action because the bigwig 'revolutionaries' have it all figured out. So basically Marx/Engels were agents charged with initiating the huge grassroots-working-class containment op called communism/socialism. FFW to Q/DJT. I'm sceptical at the moment and frustrated with the lack of basic action as mentioned above which is why I'm beginning to think Q is a similar deal. Hope I'm wrong and have to eat my sceptical words.

2018-11-15 21:52:40 UTC  

If we are being compared to centuries old mob mentality, I think we are making inroads. We are no longer being mocked and dismissed, but instead they are creating fear of Q. Notice the language used- panic, mob, anxiety, stress. leading into this: "Early occult panics, Sjöberg noted, coincided with social changes linked to the transition away from Medieval social structures and norms. (They have been, he said, “described as the dark side of the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.”) Informed by the demonological literature of the day, they used a Christian framework to tar (often, but not exclusively) women as witches"... Suggesting we are the ones out of step with and holding back in fear of societal changes. and Christians(the enemy) at the root of it.

2018-11-15 21:53:35 UTC  

@norm, I do hope you have to eat yours, and I will chow on mine as if they were truffles. But thank you for remaining skeptical. I worry about those who display a cult-like devotion to Trump / Q. Politics is no place for Messiahs, were are all just mortal sinners around here.

2018-11-15 21:54:10 UTC  

Hey!! Here is a twitter feed worth reading!

2018-11-15 21:54:32 UTC  


2018-11-15 22:03:08 UTC  

I had to use this the other day and I don’t mind posting it again for my skeptic @norm

2018-11-15 22:06:56 UTC  

Let me share why I trust Q to the level I do, since I shared my skeptical side. Ever heard the riddle about three men, one who always lies, one who always tells the truth, and one who sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth?

2018-11-15 22:07:38 UTC  

You get to ask them, and one says "I always lie" one says "I always tell the truth" and one says "Sometimes I lie, sometimes I tell the truth." Which is which?

2018-11-15 22:08:51 UTC  

"I always lie" is the one who sometimes lies and sometimes tells the truth, he is lying now. "I always tell the truth" always lies. "I sometimes lie and I sometimes tell the truth" is the one who always tells the truth, because they realize sometimes they are WRONG.

2018-11-15 22:09:12 UTC  

Q tells us, "disinfo is necessary." In politics, that is very, very true.

2018-11-15 22:13:15 UTC  

I support our president and Q. But being an older American, I have to admit I am growing weary. The current s%#t show is getting old. Been around from the beginning, lurking mostly, but I feel very uncertain right now. Hope it gets better. Stay strong people!

2018-11-15 22:16:52 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) totally on the same page bud. (in reguards to ike)

2018-11-15 22:20:58 UTC  

It is hard to keep a 40 k foot view when so much negative info is coming at us, especially if it is affecting our neck of the woods. @norm, you are on the front lines with your country and farther along the path of complete takeover. Canada is heading that way as fast as the PM can arrange it. We been conditioned not to get our hopes up-demoralization is part of their strategy. I see Q as way to bring together so many people with different areas of concern, interest and expertise that never would have come together otherwise. How many of us had any kind of solid community to connect us with others that had the same viewpoint? To me, that is the overarching legacy of Q. We are growing. We are exponentially more effective as a community than we are individually. This community has given me a place to learn(info, methods, researching), grow and connect in a way I can't in my community.

2018-11-15 22:25:17 UTC  

See, us old dogs have done THAT before too. Under Ron Paul the most AMAZING group of like minded people came together. I literally had old mountain men coming out of the woods to support him (I was a volunteer for RP.) When he did not win, most of that unity just dissipated, everyone drifted on their own path

2018-11-15 22:27:21 UTC  

Ron Paul didn't have a Q.