Message from @LowLandsPete

Discord ID: 536180220605104139

2019-01-19 08:53:18 UTC  

Please pray for my cat Zephyr. She was about 15 years old, and her kidneys started to fail.Because of that we decided it better to put her down, as she had several days before where she was really suffering. She died today. She was the best kitty in the world, the best mouser, and I already miss her so much. She will never ever be forgotten.

2019-01-19 09:20:25 UTC

2019-01-19 10:33:46 UTC  

Anyone heard anything about the loophole to fire gov employees in two days?

2019-01-19 10:38:45 UTC  


2019-01-19 10:48:06 UTC  

01/19/2019 - 11919.... 2019/01/19 - 19119... 1191919119.

2019-01-19 11:42:06 UTC

2019-01-19 12:04:08 UTC  

Has anyone got the real Freemasons list of numbers .. with what they actually mean please ? 22 is the chosen day for bad events a lot of the time .. it would be good to have the list for when looking at other events that don’t happen on 22nd

2019-01-19 12:51:59 UTC  

ok so a few quick updates.


Experts in: structural engineer/architect, houseboating rebuilds, supplement/health industry(networking),


Expanding the new affiliate program I've made at to all youtubers /truthers who need a way to earn some income on a potentially recurring/product sold basis.

2019-01-19 12:52:32 UTC  

new things: New pages/updates on website, and the affiliate program is open to any who want to use it, its one of the best in the industry if not the best.

2019-01-19 12:52:49 UTC  

i will be traveling for a few days and slow to post also

2019-01-19 13:05:11 UTC  
2019-01-19 13:32:59 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) It doesn't really work like that all numbers have meaning depending on all kind of factors Masons use all knowledge about numerology and astrology and so on.. like 33 is the highest level in masonry but its also the age Jesus died and the moon has his full cycle. When ever you see a 33 you can bet they are involved.

2019-01-19 13:37:22 UTC  

Yeh sure mate agree but i believe there is a meaning to the numbers also ? Look at the events of 22nd there is more .. but i noticed somehow the USA ones don’t seem to be ? But U.K. ones seem to hit their targets also these other ones @LowLandsPete

2019-01-19 13:38:58 UTC

2019-01-19 13:41:40 UTC  

Yes there is a lot of meaning in numbers geometry and numerology are key and to understand some of it you have to look at the various religions and cults that have a deeper understanding of it.. in short its complicated .. M. just showed a lot of 9's and 11's ... 9/11 ...22 ....33..

2019-01-19 13:47:56 UTC  

I spoke with a numerologist and this makes me believe they have strong meanings that the Freemasons above the 33 degree are strict to .. like a religion kind of in my view mate .. like it will destroy the deep state on days that Q and trump fuck up the days with meaning to them because they are so strict to it ? @LowLandsPete

2019-01-19 13:48:22 UTC  

And the numerology guy was a cunt btw he did not let much slip lol 👎

2019-01-19 13:48:41 UTC  

It’s against Freemasonry to speak out

2019-01-19 13:48:46 UTC  

Old religions knew numbers are the language of God,

2019-01-19 13:49:12 UTC  

and the new religions are hiding it in plain sight

2019-01-19 13:49:27 UTC  

The guys name is 171 😂🤣 so 9

2019-01-19 13:49:47 UTC  


2019-01-19 13:51:11 UTC

2019-01-19 13:51:55 UTC  


2019-01-19 13:52:55 UTC  

He plays it all down he’s a cunt .. but he did send that photo when i was asking him why so many events i think are false flags are on the 22nd

2019-01-19 13:53:11 UTC  

He explained 9/11 in a whole different way also

2019-01-19 13:53:52 UTC  

9/11 was saturn worship

2019-01-19 13:54:30 UTC  

an offering for Baal

2019-01-19 13:54:39 UTC  

He sayd the number for that day was 11

2019-01-19 13:54:54 UTC  

there are a few 9/11's in history

2019-01-19 13:55:06 UTC  

Apparently AOC is now saying shes gonna 'run train' on agenda

2019-01-19 13:55:06 UTC  


2019-01-19 13:55:15 UTC  

my generation is doomed.

2019-01-19 13:57:10 UTC

2019-01-19 13:57:27 UTC  


2019-01-19 14:28:49 UTC  
2019-01-19 15:21:48 UTC