Message from @Higura
Discord ID: 684940015960195092
He's the biggest nigger on earth
Never forget
He was previously Ethiopia's health minister during the reign of a brutal dictator
Me: Wanna be the virus is gonna mutate and become worss?
Me 5 seconds later after reading the virus has mutated twice and has a deadlier strain: would you at that
you fags remember this?:
this is him now:
>yo i don't feel so good, should i fly with other people?
>lmao it ain't corona, you're good
>oh shit it was corona
This is why normalfags are so dangerous. Whenever they think of something bad whether it be spreading corona chan, doing something stupid, or just a general disturbance t their lives they ALWAYS think "na that could never happen to me!" Then it fucking does.
And now it blowing up in their faces and it's great.
explains the "stop buying masks bigot" shit
somethin in this video doesn't look right
My dad finally realized shits going down and now is stocking up
>no china
This chart is specifically for those nations
Okay so
Normies are finally waking up
I'm at the store and there's a bunch of people here
Last week it wasn't this full
Same day, same time
not the usual first of the month ebt run?
Well considering that some people are wearing face masks and others gloves
Probably more panic buyers than ebt runners
fair point
It doesn't look that bad to be fair
This is gonna be the first wave of buyers
Next week there will probably be more