Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 554713120124305428

2019-03-11 15:17:21 UTC

2019-03-11 16:21:29 UTC  

I retweeted that 4 u

2019-03-11 16:23:22 UTC  

Sorry typos

2019-03-11 16:23:46 UTC  

I got over 600 legit fols of twitter

2019-03-11 16:24:05 UTC  

90% of them are huge

2019-03-11 16:24:36 UTC  

But Dustin even though i been follow him for over a year he didnt notice me till just now, ❤😏

2019-03-11 16:39:44 UTC  

If you wanna make money with books... get invited to talks and presentations or hold talks and presentations.. and then land a deal at one of the NWO publishers like Jordan Petterson did and make 700K a month and ask 150 dollar for a meet and greet photo OP ...and of cause then shut up about the real topics.

2019-03-11 16:48:54 UTC  

@SirW00f At 1:02:00 till about 1:13 info about AOC..

2019-03-11 16:56:55 UTC  

I dont have a book to sell, but i do write sifi stories

2019-03-11 17:00:12 UTC  

i just write my dreams

2019-03-11 17:00:24 UTC  

which oddly enough could be considered porn

2019-03-11 17:00:47 UTC  

speaking of porn

2019-03-11 17:01:34 UTC  


2019-03-11 17:09:40 UTC  

Anons are getting the book free on pdf also .. think it was pretty obvious doing a book would come with troubles from the left / trolls / and other anons who earn zero for there hard work on the board .. if amazon was not fucking the book around i would buy it to get to number one but think it’s completely being fucked over on there .. not read it yet .. but Dustin has always seemed clear to me he’s a businessman aswel as a patriot and i do not believe one bit he started this to make money .. there was an opportunity and they guys have took it and it can only do the Q movement good in the end as it should waken more people .. the real awakening will be if Q does a movie but that seems a long way so hopefully people get over the book issue and enjoy the Q movement growing

2019-03-11 17:11:53 UTC  

book is free on electronic form from multiple sources...but the hard copy costs money

2019-03-11 17:12:08 UTC  

i already got the pdf

2019-03-11 17:18:18 UTC  

Yeh would have been good if it was on kindle etc not a book reader myself lol .. yeh i got the pdf aswel but I hope the book wakens people .. didn’t realise people would get so pissed off lol if there’s a chance to get money in from something you enjoy doing and put ur life into why not .. only thing I’m finding strange i don’t think Q has mentioned it ?? and it is worth mentioning by Q just with its number on amazon alone maybe he/they where waiting to it goes number one but amazon are not allowing that

2019-03-11 17:21:55 UTC  

Also i don’t know what goes on on the other channel but if there’s any health tips being held back it would be good if they were shared .. as people like the bio nutritionist etc would be good to know much more of what they know along with what natural cures is also known .. but if there all on the videos all good .. but whatever goes on keep people as healthy as you can it’s a hard battle for the people who only know fast food

2019-03-11 17:31:30 UTC  

The book has been pirated illegally (good) They will only make it bigger than I could have ever done.

2019-03-11 17:39:34 UTC  

Yep it’s triggered people lol .. maybe should have done a free pdf or pay option .. i know i would have choose to pay seeing the options .. but it’s surely cost a lot to produce .. and I’m sure it will keep selling well .. can u please keep us updated why it’s not hitting number one it looks like it’s being throw back by amazon .. i believe it will be most people’s awakening to Q so it should not slow down i wouldn’t think

2019-03-11 17:41:42 UTC  

Think the targeting is going to be a bit constant jealousy is a bad thing in people .. hopefully it’s not to bad

2019-03-11 17:45:27 UTC  

Every new member will be a suspect troll 🤣

2019-03-11 20:39:51 UTC  

na, hard copy is more triggering....besides..can use it as armor against the local triggered

2019-03-11 21:15:35 UTC  

Excellent job by Pompeo pointing out the evils of Socialism and Cuban/Russian involvement

2019-03-11 21:18:46 UTC  

former soviet involvement ...most of the russians i know never want to be socialist ever again

2019-03-11 21:19:11 UTC  

they were born and raised in it...they hated it once they discovered freedom

2019-03-11 21:21:52 UTC  

those that were in power in the soviet period ...are still in secret pushing soviet socialist agenda

2019-03-11 21:23:19 UTC  

I had a college professor who was an expert on Russia. Lived under USSR during the KGB days as part of his studies. Those people had awful lives. Constantly in fear for saying the wrong thing. Then he went back when things started to change and did another sabbatical. Things improved. I was long gone by the time he went back the third time.

2019-03-11 21:24:52 UTC  

More young people need to know what Socialism/Communism really means

2019-03-11 21:25:16 UTC  

notice pompeo says it's russia/moscow ...not putin

2019-03-11 21:25:42 UTC  

those still in power behind the scenes that were in power during the soviet era

2019-03-11 21:26:36 UTC  

I really hope Putin is a decent human......