Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 555572532736950282

2019-03-14 01:47:41 UTC  

The picture shows it 17,000 feet high and double the speed just one minute later. ?????

2019-03-14 01:47:55 UTC  

size of fb/ig/lifelog vs time to purge - selective purging is quicker but it's nearly impossible to avoid a raid on the server location in time req'd for it, pulling drives is quicker but still theres the issue of loaded drives around as evidence

2019-03-14 01:49:18 UTC  

Not double the speed. Just 100mph faster or so.

2019-03-14 01:50:50 UTC  

steve, the shear size of the server data load...ur talking massive building size for a server farm.....and they have several farms across the planet

2019-03-14 01:51:39 UTC  

u think those offices in calif or nyc are the server farms? they have huge server farms at internet hub locations to store the data

2019-03-14 01:52:15 UTC  

they'd need a mile long train of hdd shipments to replace 1 server farm

2019-03-14 01:53:20 UTC  

Was referring to the plane crash.

2019-03-14 01:54:11 UTC  

Not surprised. Trump has no real control. Traitor Bolton has control of saving ISIS. He needs to be hung for treason.

2019-03-14 01:55:44 UTC  

HDD's are small anymore. What we are offered. So doubt it would take a mile long train. However no doubt these are situated all over the place. The system works that way so data can not be lost.

2019-03-14 01:58:28 UTC  

Bolton attacked the electrical works in Venezuela to try to steal their oil and other money. At least with the dictator some of the money stays in the country. If Bolton got it his way Rothschild et all would steal 90% of the money. Then take control of the banking and steal 90% of everything in Venezuela. The people would be left with far less.

2019-03-14 01:59:37 UTC  

Guideo is also a Dictator. He is a Jew who is really into stealing the money for fellow Jews. He would do all he could to start genocide against the Christians. He is by far more evil.

2019-03-14 02:01:05 UTC  

I really hate calling these Jesuit priest Jews. They are not really Jews. That is just a sham.

2019-03-14 02:01:45 UTC  

well largest hdd for consumer/enterprise is 12TB

2019-03-14 02:02:50 UTC  

but to map a person's life thru internet is huge...and map all their interactions with others and everybody else's interactions and their lives is on the order of a few exobytes

2019-03-14 02:03:16 UTC  

to give u some idea what that is...

2019-03-14 02:03:24 UTC  

These storage systems are not stupid. Video takes by far the most storage which is compressed as much as possible.

2019-03-14 02:03:51 UTC  

Talking about the 737 Max crash and questioning the available data

2019-03-14 02:03:54 UTC  

what a floppy is to a 12tb hdd is what a single 12tb hdd to a few dozen server farms

2019-03-14 02:05:44 UTC  

steve how do you reconcile believing in trump with seeing usa foreign policy for what it is?

2019-03-14 02:06:53 UTC  

Whistle while you work……
Have you seen the movie 'Snowden'?
"Facebook is my B*TCH." – re: NSA ACCESS
/qresearch/•Today at 9:56 PM

2019-03-14 02:07:19 UTC  

He obviously does not have control yet. Declass will get him there most likely. But until the roadblock in congress and senate is removed he has not that much power.

2019-03-14 02:08:56 UTC  

He was smart to stop the 737 max planes. Pilots were in fact complaining. But I agree that plane did not crash most likely.

2019-03-14 02:12:38 UTC  

Personally. Well as I see it. I think he is close enough to God and he and I feel separately God will take control in April. Personally I do not see a way out of this. Seems to me they would and could nuke the USA instead of allowing Trump to gain control.

2019-03-14 02:12:48 UTC  

There is some speculation that there were people aboard who wanted to disappear. Maybe they arranged a "disappearance flight" and sold tickets at a premium then they stage the whole thing.

2019-03-14 02:13:01 UTC  

Could be moving children.

2019-03-14 02:13:08 UTC  


2019-03-14 02:13:28 UTC  

300 people give or take.

2019-03-14 02:13:55 UTC  

Seems more likely to me they rerouted this child trafficking plane captured the perps and got a lot of proof as to what was happening.

2019-03-14 02:15:28 UTC  

I am rather positive Obama was able to plant nukes in the major cities in the USA. So them being able to stop all of them is unlikely.

2019-03-14 02:16:16 UTC  

That's a terrifying thought.

2019-03-14 02:16:35 UTC  

We know Obama militarized all Government organizations and many non Government in the USA. So much more than just Nukes.

2019-03-14 02:17:24 UTC  

But it does play with the theory that a global conflagration was being planned with the U1 transaction.

2019-03-14 02:17:43 UTC  

Geez Steve, you are full of horrifying ideas.

2019-03-14 02:18:14 UTC  

Yes they have been planning this for over a hundred years. They are not going to just say. Oh well we tried.

2019-03-14 02:18:26 UTC  

Ft. Detrich much?

2019-03-14 02:19:24 UTC  

Most likely a lot of secret organizations are in on this. Masons, Colleges, Catholic Churches, taken over after WW2. On and on.

2019-03-14 02:20:15 UTC  

All those new Mosque in America. Is that what they are. Or are they military. How much is going on underground. I hear there is transportation all over the USA underground.

2019-03-14 02:21:00 UTC  

Quantitative easing funded?

2019-03-14 02:21:50 UTC  

Yes. Fake NASA where does the money really go. Military 20 trillion missing very possibly. What did they do with it.

2019-03-14 02:21:55 UTC  

It would take big but to pay for it.