Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 555585401281052673

2019-03-14 02:29:10 UTC  

Think of it. In the Old Testament the Jews never followed the Prophets. Never. So Jews are Jews. Jews never followed God for any amount of time more than a few years here and there.

2019-03-14 02:30:19 UTC  

They always follow Ba'al just another name for Nimrod and Lucifer. They told Isaiah and Jeremiah that Ba'al (Lucifer) was the Most High God and these men just had it all wrong.

2019-03-14 02:31:30 UTC  

steve, u ever watch stargate sg-1

2019-03-14 02:31:57 UTC  

I am just concerned that a 5000 year old loose alliance of warring tribes can really screw things up for 7 Billion people in a blink of an eye. 5 Billion are not part of the entire dispute, being of the other religions of the world.

2019-03-14 02:32:59 UTC  

Yes when it first came out. Long time ago.

2019-03-14 02:33:16 UTC  

look down in space-talk

2019-03-14 02:33:25 UTC  

i left u a present

2019-03-14 02:33:44 UTC  

Razz. Think. Why would the population all of a sudden go through the roof. But for thousands of years stay about the same. That makes no sense at all.

2019-03-14 02:33:51 UTC  

might have some insight into the nasa and missing trillions of military budget

2019-03-14 02:37:02 UTC  

nasa may be a 'space' agency..but a public version using our current level of tech in the public eye

2019-03-14 02:38:01 UTC  

steve...have u been in the really in the middle of land around...except for some other ships in the distance

2019-03-14 02:39:51 UTC  

u bring binocs with u

2019-03-14 02:40:07 UTC  

cause i had them on late night lookout duty

2019-03-14 02:40:45 UTC  

they teach u to recognize patterns of ships and heights over the horizon to spot ranging

2019-03-14 02:41:57 UTC  

ur also forgetting the thermal lensing effect on daytimes or warm weather cloudy days ...

2019-03-14 02:42:07 UTC  

then u got the hurricanes that screw with ranging too

2019-03-14 02:43:10 UTC  

well i know the would is a slightly squatted ball..but not a pure sphere...or is it flat, but the maps are wrong imho

2019-03-14 02:56:24 UTC  

Go to flat earth if you have any questions on it.

2019-03-14 02:56:38 UTC  

Jews were scribes and bankers, once appropriated ...they wrote the bible and history as we understand it. Burning down alexandria wiped out any evidence that they were not Gods chosen. Piries map was an amalgamation of many maps - like the bible. Doesn't lessen my love for the father or what's left of his word

2019-03-14 02:58:01 UTC  

History is always told by the winners of wars. What they dislike is often if not always destroyed. I do not trust history.

2019-03-14 02:58:01 UTC  

i think all the great libraries weren't ransacked ...they were moved or buried to hide the truth..

2019-03-14 02:58:33 UTC  

so when ever they do a dig in secret, it's to recover lost science to take out a problem

2019-03-14 02:58:35 UTC  

I don't subscribe to myths n legends anymore

2019-03-14 02:58:41 UTC  

Yes moved, hidden, the 13 bloodlines decide who can use them. We are told they do not exist.

2019-03-14 03:00:26 UTC  

I see far too much evidence that past civilizations could do things we can not do. They far surpassed us in many ways and perhaps all ways. Would cars and planes and such survive for 20 thousand years. Doubt it.

2019-03-14 03:01:35 UTC  

Hammers and other things much like today have been found in lumps of coal. The metal is metal we can not make nowadays.

2019-03-14 03:02:22 UTC  

anything too big to hide or blow up...they just say 'god left this here'

2019-03-14 03:02:40 UTC  

I find it far more likely we are just using knowledge hidden instead of inventing everything.

2019-03-14 03:03:20 UTC  

the discoveries in north korea is one example ...a skyscraper of a building on a hill mound

2019-03-14 03:03:41 UTC  

with nothing around they built a city around it

2019-03-14 03:04:35 UTC  

Pictures of 20 story buildings in America before the elevator was invented. Torn down. Why build it to tear it down. How did they get up there. We do not know. I find that very suspicious.

2019-03-14 03:05:37 UTC  

go to 2nd part of the vid to this building

2019-03-14 03:05:54 UTC  

first part is italy

2019-03-14 03:06:02 UTC  

2nd is north korea

2019-03-14 03:06:26 UTC  

That building is so funny. Glass on the outside. Complete madness inside. But at least they made it look good on the outside.

2019-03-14 03:06:48 UTC  

they built a city around this ...the modern look of it is just refacing it's still the same structure under it

2019-03-14 03:07:31 UTC  

most 'modern' buildings would get leveled then blown up to make something like that

2019-03-14 03:07:44 UTC  

but this got resurfaced to look 'new'

2019-03-14 03:08:02 UTC  

You are right. Not a video i had seen. Rather obvious this was a mud flood building.

2019-03-14 03:08:31 UTC  

and the whole culture around it was isolated from the rest of the world so almost no actual history of it got out