Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 466679309877379082
The queue has been emptied, `1` track has been removed.
;;play prince of peria ost
An error occurred when searching YouTube. Consider linking directly to audio sources instead.
;;play <url>```
;;play prince of persia ost
Song **#3** has been selected: **Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Soundtrack (Full)** (01:02:05)
All users have left the voice channel. The player has been paused.
You must join a voice channel first.
**【東方ボーカルENG SUB】China Gal【A-ONE】** will now play.
**Initial D 5th Stage Soundtrack - The Top** will now play.
**[東方] Touhou vocal Touhou Eurobeat - Faithful Heart [Sub-Thai]** will now play.
**TOHO EUROBEAT Only T.Stebbins** will now play.
what are you doing man
you like eurobeat?
and 2hu
The queue has been emptied, `1` track has been removed.
@keque prepare to have your're mind blown
@Keque turn on yyour mic
and stuff
Mention everyone
@everyone Am reading a beautiful story in <#463627205860392960> get in here if you would like to hear it
"Sonic Highschool"
get in voice
I am in voice
You're not my real dad
what the fuck
"comma" shouted the car
"Deadly ball disease"
thats it, they're fucking sand niggers now
cant let em back
double fucking whoops
Wtf is happening in call right now
"Except if you are a nerd-ass"
"Yellow sandwich"