Message from @FredBoat♪♪
Discord ID: 467384355736518667
Song **#1** has been selected: **HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA** (02:07)
All users have left the voice channel. The player has been paused.
;;play tendies
Song **#1** has been selected: **Chicken Tendies** (01:05)
;;play deja vu
Song **#1** has been selected: **Initial D - Deja Vu** (04:25)
The player is now paused. You can unpause it with `;;unpause`.
The player will now play.
;;play disclosure you and me
;;play disclosure you and me
Song **#1** has been selected: **Disclosure - You & Me feat. Eliza Doolittle (Flume Remix)** (04:46)
The player is now paused. You can unpause it with `;;unpause`.
The player will now play.
;;play doom ost
Song **#1** has been selected: **DOOM - Original Game Soundtrack - Mick Gordon & id Software** (02:08:14)
The queue has been emptied, `1` track has been removed.
@everyone story tiem
get in vc
so you can hear this beatrfil story
fucking spooky
@Noble saxon
get in chat
Bitch I just woke up and everyone is bustling holy shit
@Melad get in vc @A Pesky Sæxon get in vc