Message from @jellyjones

Discord ID: 556654064797220884

2019-03-17 00:28:45 UTC  

That👆 was a great interview

2019-03-17 00:36:25 UTC  

...but Sean's gotta chillout

2019-03-17 00:38:29 UTC  

because they really don't want u to debug the bs of it

2019-03-17 00:41:12 UTC  

The guy with all the blood on his garbs is obviously fake blood. Yet I watched the uncensored stream of the entire event, and he legitimately killed those people. Why was there a need to use fake blood?

2019-03-17 01:12:48 UTC  

The whole thing is horrifying yet something just isn't right about the whole event. I've read an article about John Podesta being there just a day or 2 before the shooting. All involved are in my thoughts & prayers yet I'm also praying the LIGHT comes to this dark event & the TRUTH as to what happened there will be revealed.

2019-03-17 01:21:29 UTC

2019-03-17 01:32:23 UTC  

zerohedge blocked in new zealand now

2019-03-17 01:34:23 UTC  

Dang. NZ is fucked now at the moment for that.

2019-03-17 01:34:35 UTC  

@ThatGuy I watched real videos of people shot ISIS war. Those looked nothing like this one. Shoot a woman in the head twice. Her is blow away by air. No blood comes out of it. Those rifles shoot through the body. Yet shot after shot and no indication that was happening.

The one man attacks him, But he does not go for the gun. Come on. No one is that stupid. You go for the gun as it is the danger.

The gunner goes back three times but never checks the bathrooms. Come on.

It was just a poor fake video.

Just how I see it.

2019-03-17 01:36:14 UTC  

@BOOM A lot of people had seen it as a safe place to go. No more. Mission accomplished.

2019-03-17 01:37:57 UTC  

unless the nwo has control over the narrative, those areas with ffs will continue to censor except for nwo controlled narratives

2019-03-17 01:44:31 UTC  

Trumps got his ducks lined up real nice

2019-03-17 01:46:12 UTC  

only controlled narrative gets to go in nz and out

2019-03-17 01:46:39 UTC  

i still think ppl should be looking for those missing

2019-03-17 01:46:59 UTC  

they 'caught' those where are the missing ppl

2019-03-17 01:53:11 UTC  

claim 50ppl died....i saw less than 50 in the first mosque ...more like 1/2 as much..yet most of them 'walk' out and do post shooting selfies

2019-03-17 01:54:09 UTC  

how much do u want to bet that all the funerals will either be closed casket or cremated already

2019-03-17 01:55:10 UTC  

""As of last night we were able to take all of the victims from both of those scenes. In doing so we were able to locate a further victim," Bush said."

2019-03-17 01:55:11 UTC  

*cough* witness protection *cough*

2019-03-17 01:55:36 UTC  

Poorly written article. Which was it. Found at the hospital or found at one of the Mosques.

2019-03-17 01:56:08 UTC  

there was a list of ppl and where they died...most in the first mosque...yet it now looks like most walked away

2019-03-17 01:56:37 UTC  

and the livestream vid was from the first mosque

2019-03-17 01:56:42 UTC  

Of course they did it was just a play.

2019-03-17 01:57:17 UTC  

well i know it's not real's hard to get blood out of carpet

2019-03-17 01:57:46 UTC  

need a pure industrial peroxide cleaner to get blood out of floors and carpets

2019-03-17 02:03:26 UTC  

Did they really make a satire version of the NZ shooter?

2019-03-17 02:03:46 UTC  

a video of it?

2019-03-17 02:06:02 UTC  

boom...either u lost us or ur seeing something we haven't seen yet

2019-03-17 02:07:48 UTC  

Supposedly a real video made by the shooter. We just doubt it was real. At least some here. False Flag as we see it. How is it that Parkland School was related to Christchurch. Seems very odd.

2019-03-17 02:07:50 UTC  

what's the censored?
The guy with all the blood on his garbs is obviously fake blood. Yet I watched the uncensored stream of the entire event, and he legitimately killed those people. Why was there a need to use fake blood?
````ThatGuy - 16-03-2019 20:41 | #general-discussion-text`

2019-03-17 02:08:27 UTC  

You can not watch the video now. Censored.