Message from @W A T E R
Discord ID: 557685659159101472
That's the complete edition
There are codes posted by people, in the comments
ty lad
Though, you need something like Daemon tool, to install the game
.... well..... since it's the GOG version, I don't know
You may be good as-is
I might try it sometime this week just as is
god help me if it doesn't work because i am nearly boomer tier with computers
well i've installed an emulator
so it can't be much harder than that
just get daemontool i suppose
If the files after extraction are `.iso`, you will need something like Daemon Tool
ah right
`.iso` are like if a CD was a file
makes sense
So, you need a program to virtually mount it on a virtual CD drive
when i had spore it downloaded off a cd rom
I still have my copy of Spore
yeah i moved house a couple years ago
so who knows where it is
Well, it should be easy to setup anyway
emulator files weren't .exe after i extracted them
they were .ds or something because they were for a ds emulator
>the only kind of queen a nigger can be is a welfare queen
Alright, I discovered how to redo my creature in Spore... sort of.
I would need to use cheats and start from the Space age.
nevermind, this method may also work
doesn't work
Damn, that's some funky bomb wire.
wait... the thing in the video actually works. I just needed to install a mod. Now, I'm downloading a patch, so it can work.