Message from @mike(hunt) the Duck
Discord ID: 598417109793505293
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Can I shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
Give hans a the "red pillar role"
Can i shit in peace now?
Can i shit in peace now?
cAn I sHiT iN pEaCe NoW?
@Septermagina727 can you stop changing my name?
@mike(hunt) the Duck I’m not you tard
You got the wrong mod
me neither
I haven’t done jack shit to you tonight but you keep saying I am
Can you at least shit out an argument?
While you shit
I was shitting them
U missed the debate noob
Hans after the debate
@mike(hunt) the Duck ***SCREECHES IN GYPSY***
U noob
At least I don't have a prolapsed anus
mike got fucked so hard i prolapsed his duccpussi
Still can't spell?
Nah i did it on purpose
My ass you did
You probably shit yourself <:KEK:465443054254424065>