Message from @super anime club president 64
Discord ID: 277957172233502721
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Do you know when the website will be done
oh shit he's off
Also, threat?
falcons touchdown!!!
Don't fuck with us or 10 of us will jump you and try to kill you
fuck that pussy
@Anticom LR Is it a Squarespace site?
@Anticom LR I'll make sure to bring my lion repellent
Because we need a better site than the antifucks
Registered at namecheap is all it says
So yeah I'm guessing an actual legit site
And make sure your info is not avaliable on ICANN
@Tonald DrumpFuck the Falcons
Go Patriots.
fug nigball
i just want to see lady gag get booed
Tom Brady is /ourguy/
the twitter account just said that you're "not brownshirts" so I mean how right wing an event are you going to protect? I mean would this group protect an Alt Right event? a Milo event? a Trump rally?
He's friends with Trump
I would think we would protect any event being protested by Antifa and shit like that
@Papí fuck you nigga, patriots suck dick
Nah dawg
>patriots suck dick
You fuckin what
Oh the team kek
so everyone from Gavin McInnes to Richard Spencer, that's good, because nobody should buy a uniform and go out in to danger for people on what is basically a book promotion tour
I don't like Football, but I support Brady for political reasons.
@Papí 😠
All these american football shits
Football 4 lyfe
jk i hate sports
I would honestly think we protect anybody in danger of Antifa and shit like that, as well as doing community service @Cœur de Lion , i mean I fuckin hate milo but we should definitely be protecting them regardless
kl kl
that's what I mean though it should just be everyone who's being counter protested, or you jammed up with ideological battles etc
What we would actually do at those protests I don't know yet, I would think record everything you can, call the cops if something goes wrong, block them from trying to start shit or attack others, shit like that. You'd have to ask @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe about that
defend yourselves
protect venues