Message from @Trixaan_Artisan
Discord ID: 495745495675830293
the feels
fucking love spongebob
Christ, i saw the thing about Squiddy coming
Old cartoon network was the shit bro
@Rileygood how old?
KnD, Teen Titans, Courage the cowardly dog, Ben 10, etc
Courage always scared me
Cartoon network greatness died with the end of regular show
Regular show was good
Adventure time just ended like a week ago too
@Rileygood rember that weird time of cartoon network with destroy build destroy,dude what would happen, that one about video games
That shit was cancer
Its funny cuz as a kid I notices that you could perfectly preeict who was gonna win destroy build destroy
Whoever won the challenge ALWAYS lost
There's actually no Bug Juice down here and i'm furious
How am I suppose to get nostalgic now?
@A Pesky Sæxon kool aid
or this
Go to watch some "videos"
Fucking bowserette everywhere fucking degenerates
basics on everything else
On tonights show, we have Trixaan
Subject: The feels
I hate my sister, she hates me, we're forced to live in the same place.
I don't have too many friends, suck in social settings, don't talk much, lonely, but we talked about that.
My parents are constantly in and out of employment, but regardless we're always too broke to anything we want to do, anyone who tells you money can't buy you happiness is full of shit because it most certainly can.
with the poor financial situation, I do what I do best and eavesdrop from across the house and I hear about how we might lose the house, the car, the pets can't get food, might have to file for bankruptcy (that came up like nine times last year) and all of this puts a great deal of stress on me, and since school is so fucking constant and full of work It makes me just want to stop. It's like being sick on a rollercoaster, I just want off the fucking ride. So I stop doing my work in school to get some mental down time but it doesn't work obviously, so this year I'm in the WOTP (work oriented training program) My future is over at this point, shit job after shit job, or just a cardboard box under an overpass. I've got a ridiculously negative outlook I can't shake, everything is pointless, everything is shit, the world is going to hell and everyone's too stupid, greedy, or offended by existence to care, I have no desire to keep living anymore really but I'm still breathing cause my bucket list is kinda reasonable and I don't have a gun, I have shit pain tolerance, I'm squeamish kinda, and I keep forgetting how to tie knots cause I don't do that too regularly.
none of the douglas program stuff is in there either, shit
<:FeelsPingedMan:485621052072787971> <:FeelsPingedMan:485621052072787971> <:FeelsPingedMan:485621052072787971> <:FeelsPingedMan:485621052072787971> <:FeelsPingedMan:485621052072787971> <:FeelsPingedMan:485621052072787971>
I'm sorry buddy
Really don't kill yourself tho brother. Everyone has some point ans meaning in life, just a lot of the time people don't know it early and take actions that shouldn't be done reguardless.
@Trixaan_Artisan money cant buy happness means if you have more money that you know what to do with you cant get any happier buying shit
You don't have to worry about me killing myself
as stated
cannot do that
It could also mean that when you have so much money, *it starts owning you* instead of the other way around
but I'm not asking for an infinite font of it
I just want to not worry about it
which is not happening
Yeah, it would be fun not to worry about it
oh, shit