Message from @Casey
Discord ID: 513739750897614848
Caught a glimpse of a this in my YouTube feed ... Someone's choice of thumbnail is this Ben Garrison cartoon calling out hyocrisy of the left.
Is it weird that’s the 2 main things they are spraying us with spell —BAAL?!
Election (in)Security
"Jim Sullivan was appointed CSO at Cloudflare this summer, who has ties to Mueller, Obama and has run cybersecurity for the DHS, Facebook and Uber.
Why is this scary? Because Cloudflare announced earlier this summer that it is offering free election security certification (through SSL) that has been adopted by Florida, Hawaii, Ohio, Alabama, California, Iowa, Missouri and New Jersey this year. Cloudflare partnered with GlobalSign, another election SSL security company back in 2010 to design better SSL certificates, and also has relationships with Digicert, who runs election SSL for many other states in the US.
Take a look at the ownership of the SSL security in the 50 states. It would appear that these companies are in cahoots with each other, and are providing security for the majority of the 2020 election.
The ease of which an election can be hacked from a digital perspective lies with the access to the SSL encryption key, which these major companies possess. See the potential connection?"
What does D5 mean?