Message from @ThatGuyWithPaste

Discord ID: 531562494531993619


2019-01-06 05:32:00 UTC  

I know these threads are supposed to be funny and ironic but 4Chan can be a seriously vile and offensive place, and I don't say that in an attempt to have pride in the fact. every single day in almost every thread I see cases of racism, xenophobia, sexism, and transphobia. the posts I see are riddled with the most hateful sentiment some could only imagine. to hear stories on Reddit of how evil the posters are can truly be unbelievable at times unless you see for yourself even though you would never want to. it's hard to fathom how I can summon the courage to stomach the plague of right wing extremism that infects this website. everytime I see someone post the n word, I do not cry. everytime I see someone say "remove kebab" my heart doesn't sink. believe me it used to, but I struggled vicariously through the torment the people posted here until it permeated every part of the board culture until it became just another sick joke. how anything like that could be considered a joke is a level of sociopathy I will never be able to understand. how the some of the posters here could even be considered people is the same. so everytime a post is made with such vile hatred towards any and all oppressed peoples, I do not cry. I stand strong against it and do everything in my power to bully it back to the decrepit source, pol. sometimes it takes the same viscosity of brain bursting anger and hate that their posts were made with to begin with in order to bully them back. but not once do I cry, because I am strong, and that's how tough I am.

2019-01-06 05:32:24 UTC  

Kebab detected

2019-01-06 05:32:28 UTC  

nice copypasta nigger

2019-01-06 05:32:49 UTC  

>if you turn the brightness to lowest on ubuntu it turns the backlight off

2019-01-06 06:12:36 UTC  

old meme

2019-01-06 06:15:19 UTC

2019-01-06 06:16:15 UTC

2019-01-06 07:45:09 UTC

2019-01-06 15:25:29 UTC

2019-01-06 15:25:35 UTC

2019-01-06 15:25:50 UTC

2019-01-06 16:32:53 UTC

2019-01-06 16:57:46 UTC  


2019-01-06 19:40:46 UTC

2019-01-06 19:59:34 UTC  


2019-01-06 20:27:50 UTC  


2019-01-06 20:28:02 UTC

2019-01-06 20:28:17 UTC  

Hitler made out of anime girls

2019-01-06 22:01:08 UTC  

Yo, I'm feeling very horny, rn...

2019-01-06 22:01:13 UTC

2019-01-07 00:17:34 UTC  
2019-01-07 00:17:35 UTC  


2019-01-07 00:17:39 UTC  


2019-01-07 00:17:52 UTC  

i think what you feel is retardation

2019-01-07 00:17:59 UTC  


every kiss begins with gay

2019-01-07 00:43:16 UTC  

that should be their jingle for gays

2019-01-07 04:12:26 UTC

2019-01-07 04:13:41 UTC

2019-01-07 04:13:51 UTC

2019-01-07 04:13:58 UTC

2019-01-07 04:14:16 UTC  

The distortion on that image tho

2019-01-07 04:14:21 UTC