Message from @FantasticFwoosh

Discord ID: 567826746976632833

2019-04-16 19:59:13 UTC  

Smokey is a real g

2019-04-16 20:00:02 UTC  

will he ever show up in a later episode?

2019-04-16 20:00:40 UTC  

maybe to congratulate jotaro in his victory against dio?

2019-04-16 20:48:25 UTC  

That’d be sick

2019-04-16 20:48:45 UTC  

I’m not super far into part 4 so I’m not certain if he makes any appearance

2019-04-16 21:00:00 UTC

2019-04-16 21:00:43 UTC  

Real Marvin heemyer hours

2019-04-16 21:06:11 UTC  


2019-04-16 21:06:31 UTC  

A true American icon

2019-04-16 21:13:03 UTC  

tred on them

2019-04-16 21:17:58 UTC

2019-04-16 21:19:45 UTC  

Katana's eject out of the tyres to skew other cars on the road with nippon steel at the press of a button.

2019-04-16 21:21:04 UTC  

Fitlthy gaijin eat nippon steel

2019-04-16 21:21:30 UTC  

Cuts through plastic american cars like shitty rice paper.

2019-04-16 21:21:58 UTC  


2019-04-16 21:22:07 UTC

2019-04-16 21:22:18 UTC  

Event where nothing happened

2019-04-16 21:35:39 UTC

2019-04-16 21:40:46 UTC  


2019-04-16 22:49:10 UTC

2019-04-16 22:49:20 UTC  

Hell yeah neil

2019-04-16 23:08:24 UTC

2019-04-16 23:08:47 UTC  

Worst day ever

2019-04-16 23:29:54 UTC

2019-04-17 00:28:25 UTC  
2019-04-17 00:56:22 UTC

2019-04-17 00:58:03 UTC  

more jojo memes please

2019-04-17 01:17:55 UTC

2019-04-17 01:18:01 UTC

2019-04-17 01:59:16 UTC  

<:KEK:465443054254424065> <:KEK:465443054254424065> <:KEK:465443054254424065>

2019-04-17 02:01:30 UTC  

CrubbyToday at 7:00 PM
Alright y'all imma be straight up with this but memes/jokes about what happened at Notre Dame aren't really okay. An entire country is mourning. Thats an 800 year old historical building that also qualifies as a piece of art. It's fine to not give a shit or two because maybe you're not catholic, french, or interested in the arts but at least have some respect. I'm saying this as someone who just recently studied the building and learned how important it was. I'm also saying this as someone who has friends that are french and are very much offended by content like this. Not even a few hours into the incident and people are already making jokes about it like it's nothing. Say what you want about my reaction to this or whatever. Mute me or ban me if you feel like it, but just know what you're doing and think about it. If any of you are gonna respond with "yo its just a joke/prank" then don't even bother

2019-04-17 02:01:32 UTC  

CrubbyToday at 7:00 PM
Alright y'all imma be straight up with this but memes/jokes about what happened at Notre Dame aren't really okay. An entire country is mourning. Thats an 800 year old historical building that also qualifies as a piece of art. It's fine to not give a shit or two because maybe you're not catholic, french, or interested in the arts but at least have some respect. I'm saying this as someone who just recently studied the building and learned how important it was. I'm also saying this as someone who has friends that are french and are very much offended by content like this. Not even a few hours into the incident and people are already making jokes about it like it's nothing. Say what you want about my reaction to this or whatever. Mute me or ban me if you feel like it, but just know what you're doing and think about it. If any of you are gonna respond with "yo its just a joke/prank" then don't even bother

2019-04-17 02:01:35 UTC  

CrubbyToday at 7:00 PM
Alright y'all imma be straight up with this but memes/jokes about what happened at Notre Dame aren't really okay. An entire country is mourning. Thats an 800 year old historical building that also qualifies as a piece of art. It's fine to not give a shit or two because maybe you're not catholic, french, or interested in the arts but at least have some respect. I'm saying this as someone who just recently studied the building and learned how important it was. I'm also saying this as someone who has friends that are french and are very much offended by content like this. Not even a few hours into the incident and people are already making jokes about it like it's nothing. Say what you want about my reaction to this or whatever. Mute me or ban me if you feel like it, but just know what you're doing and think about it. If any of you are gonna respond with "yo its just a joke/prank" then don't even bother

2019-04-17 02:02:31 UTC  


2019-04-17 02:03:47 UTC  

who's crubby

2019-04-17 02:03:53 UTC  


2019-04-17 02:30:02 UTC