Message from @Gil
Discord ID: 623952998414155794
I'd rather regulate teachers than guns
Cus among other things, teachers have to be regulated more anyway
Some are too stupid, and some are fucking retarded
The FBI and CIA are the nodern day Inquisition and can do whatever they want
and some are fucking nonces
You think they are gonna pick on some kids
>FBI is told 30 times that a kid wants to shoot up his school
>"eh, lets just go gank some random shitlord from 4chan instead"
It's in their (((plan)))
>let's see what happens with the unhinged individual...
Implying these aren't all just plants
Seriously look into some school shootings
The one that created David Hogg had some seriously suspicious shit going on with it
I think either the day of or the day before and even a couple weeks before, they were doing simulated school shooter drills
So when the shooting actually happened, everyone thought it was just a drill
And there were even police already there
Makes me thonk
There are more (((circumstances))) surrounding alot of other school shootings as well
Such as being at the same time as Epsteins trial
At this point other than I think Sandy vag or whatever the one with the two dudes was, I think the rest have been false flag bullshit
I can only get so angry about political elites trying to control the general populace
Fucking nonces
That was to funny for me I think I might be getting dumber
bro momento
I made that response on a video about how rape jokes are bad
Closet bigot gang closet bigot gang
i remember that image
sent it to my friend probably 3-4 years ago