Message from @goobergopher
Discord ID: 645967032193646614
I like mankind vs undertaker a lot more
It’s the pinnacle of wwe
@bdog sorry man
Is Wwe the fake one or is it something else
That was a good one
WWE is real asf
It’s UFC that’s fake
Oh alright
NFL is fake too
It’s true
it's all fake
we're in a simulation
The only real shit is legends of the hidden temple
I might be remembering it wrong but I could have sworn on the Nickelodeon channel there was a show called GUTS. It was like legends but it had a big ass mountain at the end of it.
They had to climb that bitch and it was like 100 feet tall
There was a show called guts
I remember
Same. I channel surfed a lot.
Okay ya.
Ya. I thought I dreamed it up cause one kid fell off the mountain and almost fucking died
I remember a show that I am 99% sure is a dream
It was like on some weird ass polish tv channel
It had some monster thar cleaned rocks
I think
And after each episode there was an alien in a boat
Also it all took place in a forest
🤔 you saw this in America? Are you american?
I'm unfamiliar with tv over seas
No in poland
But I am pretty sure it was produced by an english or american studio
None of there characters talked and there was only a dull sounding narrator
Hmmm It might have been a dream. Nothing comes to mind unless they were puppets.
They were
And costumes