Message from @mike(hunt) the Duck
Discord ID: 645967738770030622
It’s true
it's all fake
we're in a simulation
The only real shit is legends of the hidden temple
I might be remembering it wrong but I could have sworn on the Nickelodeon channel there was a show called GUTS. It was like legends but it had a big ass mountain at the end of it.
They had to climb that bitch and it was like 100 feet tall
There was a show called guts
I remember
I watched a lot of nick
Same. I channel surfed a lot.
Okay ya.
Ya. I thought I dreamed it up cause one kid fell off the mountain and almost fucking died
I remember a show that I am 99% sure is a dream
It was like on some weird ass polish tv channel
I think
And after each episode there was an alien in a boat
Also it all took place in a forest
🤔 you saw this in America? Are you american?
I'm unfamiliar with tv over seas
No in poland
But I am pretty sure it was produced by an english or american studio
None of there characters talked and there was only a dull sounding narrator
Hmmm It might have been a dream. Nothing comes to mind unless they were puppets.
They were
And costumes
Kinda like teletubbies
I'll try to draw one of the characters in class
Was the monster cute and grey?
It was gray but definitly not a moomin
It looks like this
Also it might have had garden in its name