Message from @templar ni🅱🅱a

Discord ID: 667501674780426271

2020-01-16 20:32:19 UTC  

>Spending government neetbux on a plane ticket to virginia while conceal carrying a Magnum research BFR Chambered in .50-70 and a 2 foot long floppy horse dildo which you also bought with government neetbux just to fuck with them

2020-01-16 20:32:37 UTC  

>spending neetbux at all

2020-01-16 20:33:21 UTC  

Tfw Cyberpunk have been postponed to late September

2020-01-16 20:33:50 UTC  

<:AAAAA:531152976358801422> <:AAAAA:531152976358801422> <:AAAAA:531152976358801422> <:AAAAA:531152976358801422>

2020-01-16 20:37:06 UTC  

Tfw boog happens before cyberpunk launches

2020-01-16 20:37:21 UTC  

<:aaaaAAAAAAAAA:550456611328622606> <:aaaaAAAAAAAAA:550456611328622606> <:aaaaAAAAAAAAA:550456611328622606>

2020-01-16 20:40:27 UTC  

It's faster to say World Wide Web and Not Safe For Work than their abbreviated counterparts

2020-01-16 20:44:30 UTC  


2020-01-16 21:07:30 UTC

2020-01-16 21:14:01 UTC

2020-01-16 21:52:36 UTC  

Don't really know where to post this

2020-01-16 22:12:38 UTC  


2020-01-16 22:52:09 UTC  

i got accepted into Florida Institute of Technology

2020-01-16 22:52:30 UTC  

Eyy congrats ma dude

2020-01-16 22:52:45 UTC  

idk if i can go if its 10k a semester or something for me

2020-01-16 22:52:57 UTC  


2020-01-16 22:53:08 UTC  

can student loans completely cover costs?

2020-01-16 22:53:12 UTC  

or some

2020-01-16 22:53:20 UTC  

Yes and no

2020-01-16 22:53:32 UTC  

Yes because it'll cover the cost of college

2020-01-16 22:53:43 UTC  

No because you'll be paying them off the rest of your life

2020-01-16 22:54:11 UTC  

im not so worried of the debt because i have a high chance of getting into an amazing paying job if i study astrobiology

2020-01-16 22:54:17 UTC  

nasa and shit does internships

2020-01-16 22:54:42 UTC  

its not some dumbass liberal arts that then would have no chance of paying

2020-01-16 22:55:50 UTC  

Eh still suggest avoiding loans unless you know for a fact you could pay em off

2020-01-16 22:55:59 UTC  

Oof college loans are whack

2020-01-16 23:01:15 UTC  

@Sleep what’s astrobiology

2020-01-16 23:01:45 UTC  
2020-01-16 23:02:51 UTC  

Damn that’s some high IQ shit I don’t have

2020-01-16 23:03:05 UTC  


2020-01-16 23:03:14 UTC  

i was way below the average gpa and act that people put

2020-01-16 23:03:26 UTC  

the fucking college readiness shit said i had a 1% chance of getting in

2020-01-16 23:03:30 UTC  

and they fucking admitted me

2020-01-16 23:03:33 UTC  


2020-01-16 23:04:07 UTC  


2020-01-16 23:04:15 UTC  

That's amazing, congrats fam

2020-01-16 23:06:51 UTC

2020-01-16 23:07:18 UTC  
