Message from @Reichtangle
Discord ID: 493910922335879189
The Germans just destroy everything.
Merkel's administration is terrible for Europe and Germany. They keep fucking up tho, and that nationalist party will get into office
That's if a nationalist movement can get off the ground in a timely manner with the level of information control they have now
oh no
How is it possible?!
lmao lost to niggers
lost to international sanctions*
Lol no chin
Kike nose
guys if aids is passed through sex how did the first person get it
that moment when you realized that WW1 and WW2 killed off the greatest generations of western men and gave rise to the betas that stayed behind
Yeah no shit
Then Korea and Vietnam got some more
Leaving the 60’s full of cowards and draft dodgers
The jews did this
Wars always kill the young, fit men first
That's why the whole "we need a war to cull the weak" line is so dumb
Yup, because only the strong do what is just
... Also it's a good idea to send strong men to fight.
He was something
He was wholly unique and brilliant
He’s like Hiram Maxim or Charles Ross
One of those people
Who dat
Ya mom
its ya boy
gengis khan II