Message from @Panzerkampf1938
Discord ID: 492926800532471810
Id break my leg
gg ez no re
yor pilict of cuck
watch me
hail my nut
my fat fucingk nuts
@Deleted User the state of german and japan armies oof
If Germany brings back the Hugo Boss uniforms, a lot of people would scream Nazi, but I bet people would run to enlist
Not Germans, but someone
That said, if only they had been more opposed to Article 13
the germans are the ones who fucking pushed it
End Germany
Article 13 is a meme
The Germans just destroy everything.
Merkel's administration is terrible for Europe and Germany. They keep fucking up tho, and that nationalist party will get into office
That's if a nationalist movement can get off the ground in a timely manner with the level of information control they have now
oh no
How is it possible?!
lmao lost to niggers
lost to international sanctions*
Lol no chin
Kike nose
guys if aids is passed through sex how did the first person get it
Sex with a monkey