Message from @Brad Small
Discord ID: 304606835258687509
ex-fiance was a nerd/hipster hybrid
That's good
it was p cool
That's not as good
she was also hard working and motivated
but muh college
dude thats rough
hopefully damigo punches her some day
itd make for a great laff
at least you know what real love feels like
College is like brainwashing you pay for
literally I have felt closer to the waifus in Persona then any girl I have dated
thats rough
I've not had a relationship long enough to say that I can't say the same
having a loving relationship is great until you dont have it anymore
Yeah TFW I stopped being a beta virgin playing anime games all day and I feel no closer to any real girls
just go to the edit screen and put the slider for feelings all the way to the left like I did
didn't know you played weeab sh it
This is the reality of modern life
if you were really trad you'd marry an abo they've been living the same way for 50,000 years
Anime video games have given me more satisfaction than any real girl
my phone suggests abo --> abomination btw
i want to laugh but i cant, because i feel sad whenever im done with a persona game because all my friends are gone
I at least have real friends but yeah I really get emotionally invested into it bro
its why I name my characted a meme name so I dont get too into it
my new game plus name is shlomo berger
My P3 name was my IRL name
then i got sad when it ended
so in P4 I called my self Elliot Rodger
tfw will never lay head on robot grill lap
Now I am Dylann Roof in P5
I did not like the Robot