Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 281623967629049856
Oh. Democracy is overrated. Spain was better off under Franco than it is now, for example.
Spoiler alert
do you want to hear it?
Leftists hate Franco because he was authoritarian and stifled dissent. Meanwhile they suck Castro's uncircumcised dick even though he did the same things and for decades longer. Here's a Fullchan thread for those with an aversion to cancer
@Hernán Cortés do you want to hear it?
Don't spoil the show, btw. I actually wan to see that now. What is it called?
Legend of galactic heros
Its free on jewtube
and translated if you're a pleb like me
some of the episodes are baleeted tbh, but those have been mirrored in other places
and those are the later episodes anyway
>mfw I love my Spanish ancestry but hate how cucked the place has become in recent years
ikr @Hernán Cortés
spain has failed us
Spain used to be soooooooo based. Just fuck my shit up
Hello fellow white nationalist, how goes the pepes
@🅱arD le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel epic fail!!!!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r anonymous >:D lol DOGE111 so ebin much le1, for the lulz!! xD le upvote for you 😃 just epic, simply epin ROFLMAOCOPTER
A nutrition teacher I once had told me that most protein shakes are a scam. They have much more protein than the human body can process at one time, and most of it just ends up getting pissed out.
wouldn't be surprised
@🅱arD Fugggggggg
maybe shes a gains goblin in disguise
I'm going to take you down using the power of responsible, ethical journalism.
@🅱arD Please don't give me the PewDiePie treatment, Mr. Esteemed News Establishment Journalist
Watch the video Sargon did on the PewDiePie situation.
Unfortunately I have a quota of clickbait to write, and nothing gets the clicks better than the ol' slander article.
oy vey
I mean oh no