Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 281626008191369226
and those are the later episodes anyway
>mfw I love my Spanish ancestry but hate how cucked the place has become in recent years
ikr @Hernán Cortés
spain has failed us
I've read some shit saying to be on the lookout for drops/happenings on **Friday** at **12:15**
Spain used to be soooooooo based. Just fuck my shit up
Hello fellow white nationalist, how goes the pepes
@🅱arD le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel epic fail!!!!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r anonymous >:D lol DOGE111 so ebin much le1, for the lulz!! xD le upvote for you 😃 just epic, simply epin ROFLMAOCOPTER
A nutrition teacher I once had told me that most protein shakes are a scam. They have much more protein than the human body can process at one time, and most of it just ends up getting pissed out.
wouldn't be surprised
@🅱arD Fugggggggg
maybe shes a gains goblin in disguise
I'm going to take you down using the power of responsible, ethical journalism.
@🅱arD Please don't give me the PewDiePie treatment, Mr. Esteemed News Establishment Journalist
Watch the video Sargon did on the PewDiePie situation.
Unfortunately I have a quota of clickbait to write, and nothing gets the clicks better than the ol' slander article.
oy vey
I mean oh no
I can just see the headlines now
@Bluesy where's my pic bb
"Evil Nazi anticom member declares his anti semitism and threatens Journalist with a gun"
"hispanic anticom member threatens white elitist to get out of his server"
I'll have you know I'm jewish
@🅱arD Are we getting a slander piece? Hurry up and deliver nigger faggot.
Let me give you the quick rundown on PDP:
>makes a few anti-Semitic jokes in his recent videos
>apologizes profusely for them
>progressive news outlets blast him for it anyway
>some Jews up the ladder got the WSJ to write a hit piece on him, which ended up with Disney cancelling their sponsorship with him
>basically he's going to lose millions of dollars because he hurt some people's feefees
Oy vey look at all this antisemitism.
@🅱arD we hate niggers and sand niggers too don't forget that
More or less ?
"New Alt-right group lead by notorious anti-semite PewDiePie believe its ok to gas the jews"