Message from @Hoosier Behemoth
Discord ID: 510238751818252289
honestly don't kn ow
Very important
I want to RUB pp inside zombie girls what do
Knife ears
best zomb choice tbh
>wanting the Mibu Wolves sloppy seconds
If only that show wasn’t shit
step on my face nagatoro
I’m hoping to skip that
It's the movie
Thank you
>german girl
>Asuka Langley
Can I see this part?
No one's stopping you
Why wouldn’t I want too?
If you were Sadmin I guess
God damn Inazuma looking ass motherfuckers
GFL but with inazoomer's face on all of them
remember that time in GiTS where kusanagi encourages a man to kill himself and then shoots him the head
Remember that time when Kusanagi offered a kid sum fuk and he refused
Saw Serj post that earlier on his Facebook
I like that he uses a Slaanesh marine pic